Author Spotlight: Lee Dunstan
Title: The Adventures of Maxine
Subtitle: The Little Pig Who Thinks She’s a Dog
Author: Lee Dunstan
Publisher: XlibrisNZ
ISBN: 978-1-5144-6684-1
Pages: 26
Genre: Juvenile Fiction / Animals / Farm Animals
Author Spotlight: A.E. Fonner
Title: Reborn and Other Versifications
Author: A.E. Fonner
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 9781532035586
Pages: 94
Genre: Poetry
Author Spotlight: Liz ONeill
Title: Be Wee with Bea
Subtitle: Discover many rigorous exercises to help you figure out how to deal with just about any problem
Author: Liz ONeill
Publisher: iUniverse
Genre: Children’s book
Author Spotlight: Joy Usher
Title: A Tiny Universe: Astrology and the Thema Mundi Chart
Author: Joy Usher
Publisher: Xlibris AU
ISBN: 978-1543403770
Pages: 376
Genre: Politics & Social Sciences/Reference
Author Spotlight: Darleen Johnson
Title: No Drums, No Trumpets: Book Two of the Monitor Series
Author: Darleen Johnson
Publisher: Westwood Books Publishing, LLC
ISBN: 978-1949006629
Pages: 331
Genre: Science Fiction
Author Spotlight: Conrad Linden
Title: Thus Spoke Golden Guru
Author: Conrad Linden
Publisher: XlibrisAU
ISBN: 978-1-4568-3792-1
Pages: 118
Genre: Non-Fiction
Author Spotlight: Michael J. Bruijn
Title: Livin’ the Dream
Author: Michael J. Bruijn
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-5434-0716-7
Pages: 182
Genre: Fiction
Author Spotlight: Suzanne Eglington
Title: The Dating Policy
Author: Suzanne Eglington
Publisher: Xlibris
ISBN: 9781984535021
Pages: 192
Genre: Erotic Romance
Author Spotlight: Jeanine Fricke
Title: Into The Dark Forest
Author: Jeanine Fricke
Publisher: Universe
ISBN: 978-1532001581
Pages: 250
Genre: Fiction / Cozy Mystery
Author Spotlight: Sarah Carpenter-Vascik
Title: Freedom of Religion by Individual Choice
Author: Sarah Carpenter-Vascik
Publisher: Westwood Books Publishing
ISBN: 978-1948653596
Pages: 304
Genre: Religion
Author Spotlight: Beverley Buckley

Title: Final Days of Judgment
Author: Beverley Buckley
Publisher: XlibrisAU
ISBN: 978-1-5144-4293-7
Pages: 232
Genre: Memoir
Reviewed by: Tara Mcnabb
Author Spotlight: Joe Tyney
Title: Everyone Needs a Caddy
Author: Joe Tyney
Publisher: XlibrisAU
ISBN: 978-1-5434-0860-7
Pages: 200
Genre: Self-Help / Motivational
Author Spotlight: Behcet Kaya
Title: Treacherous Estate
Author: Behcet Kaya
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN-13: 978-1722829698
Pages: 314
Genre: Fiction / Crime
While enjoying his usual Friday night after dinner beer at a local restaurant, Jacques (Jack) Ludefance’s evening is suddenly shattered when a beautiful young woman sits down next to him, whispers, “Mister, can you help me?” then falls dead. After her death is ruled ‘natural causes,’ Jack digs in to unravel the reasons she came to him desperately asking for his help and to investigate her mysterious death. To complicate matters further, her husband is a prominent, highly respected local business man. As Jack begins to unravel the pieces to the unsolved puzzle, the more heinous the crimes of the dead woman’s husband become and Jack finds his own life is in danger.
About the Author
Author Behcet Kaya was born in northeastern Turkey. Growing up in a small village with long held traditions, his rebellious and creative nature emerged at an early age. Leaving home at fourteen, he traveled first to Istanbul and then on to London. While studying at Hatfield Polytechnic, Kaya made his first visit to the U.S. as an exchange student with the BUNC. He made the move to the U.S. in 1976 and became a U.S. citizen in 1985. He and his wife currently live in the seaside town of Navarre, Florida. “Treacherous Estate” is Kaya’s fourth novel. His previously published novels include, “Voice of Conscience,” “Murder on the Naval Base,” and “Road to Siran – Erin’s Story.”
Author Spotlight: Frank Ovec

Title: Launch Out
Author: Frank Ovec
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1-5464-0651-4
Pages: 108
Genre: Spirituality/Christian
Reviewed By: Tiffany Ezuma
Author Spotlight: Alison Fromager

Title: Prime Poems
Author: Alison Fromager
Publisher: AuthorHouseUK
ISBN: 978-1-5462-9204-3
Pages: 64
Genre: Poetry
Reviewed by: Marie Whiteson
Author Spotlight: Roxana Vella

Title: White Winter
Author: Roxana Vella
Publisher: AuthorHouseUK
Pages: 116
ISBN: 6781546287094
Genre: Fiction/ Christian / Fantasy
Author Spotlight: A. K. Solimov
Title: Rise of the Boy King
Subtitle: Lost in Time (Beings within the Myth)
Author: A. K. Solimov
Publisher: XlibrisNZ
ISBN: 978149909946
Pages: 216
Genre: Fantasy / Young Adult
Author Spotlight: Mary Ramsey
Title: Dakota Son
Author: Mary Ramsey
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1-5462-3307-7
Pages: 246
Genre: Young Adult Fiction
Author Spotlight: Michael Kravitz
Title: EMP Causality
Author: Michael Kravitz
Publisher: BookVenture Publishing, LLC
ISBN: 978-1-64348-044-2
Pages: 202
Genre: Fiction, Romance
Author Spotlight: Jane Summers
Title: Seasonal Woods: Collection of Poems – A Classic
Author: Jane Summers
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-5245-4289-4
Pages: 108
Genre: Poetry
Author Spotlight: Abayomi Adeyeri
Title: Multiple Bold Steps
Author: Abayomi Adeyeri
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-5434-8374-1
Pages: 134
Genre: Self-Help, Biographical, Motivational & Inspirational
Author Spotlight: G.M.T Schuilling
Title: The Watchmaker’s Doctor (Erase and Rewind Book 1)
Author: G.M.T Schuilling
Publisher: AuthorHouseUK
ISBN: 978-1-5462-9110-7
Pages: 114
Genre: Fantasy, Science Fiction
Author Spotlight: Roxanne M.
Title: The Magic of Flowers: A Novel
Author: Roxanne M.
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 9781532042348
Pages: 304
Genre: Mystery, Thrillers & Suspense
Author Spotlight: Margret Wallis
Title: Let’s Meet Tederico Frederico and Augustus Algernon: Two Special Bears
Author: Margret Wallis
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1-5246-9653-5
Pages: 38
Genre: Illustrated Children’s Book
Author Spotlight: Steve Pierce
Title: Emele’s Night Goddess: Book III
Author: Steve Pierce
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-9845-1164-5
Pages: 226
Genre: Fantasy, Supernatural
Author Spotlight: Cynthia Snyder
Title: To Keep a Butterfly from Flying
Author: Cynthia Snyder
Publisher: Book Venture Publishing
ISBN: 978-1641666732
Pages: 160
Genre: Contemporary Fiction
Author Spotlight: Alan J. Caulfield
Title: The First EU: An Alternate History
Author: Alan J. Caulfield
Publisher: AuthorHouseUK
ISBN: 978-1-5462-9251-7
Pages: 524
Genre: History, Fiction
Author Spotlight: Joe Kilgore
Title: The Horse Killer
Author: Joe Kilgore
Publisher: White Bird Publications
ISBN: 978-1633633148
Genre: Fiction/Mystery
Pages: 126
Author Spotlight: Nicki Adams
Title: Adrift: Completely At Sea With Paranoid Schizophrenia
Author: Nicki Adams
Publisher: AuthorHouseUK
ISBN: 9781496977403
Pages: 198
Genre: Psychology / Psychopathology / Schizophrenia
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington
Author Spotlight: Philip Zeid
Title: You Can Never Tell
Author: Philip Zeid
Publisher: Xlibris
ISBN: 9781543406962
Pages: 146
Genre: Non-Fiction
Author Spotlight: Darlene Weir
Title: Cascadia: An Epic Journey of Survival
Author: Darlene Weir
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-5434-6763-5
Pages: 288
Genre: Fiction
Author Spotlight: Sandra O. Ferraro
Title: Golden
Author: Sandra O. Ferraro
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1-5462-2306-1
Pages: 84
Genre: Fiction
Author Spotlight: Belinda Dupont
Title: How Buffalo Lost Her Coat: A Children’s Tale from Nepal
Author: Belinda Dupont
Publisher: AuthorHouseUK
ISBN: 978-1-5462-8521-2
Pages: 36
Genre: Illustrated Children’s Books
Author Spotlight: Alan Southall
Title: The Charmed: Fascinatus
Author: Alan Southall
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1-5462-8739-1
Pages: 110
Genre: Mystery, Historical fiction
Author Spotlight: Elaine Stienon
Title: The way to the Shining City: a story of the early Mormons in Missouri and Nauvoo, Illinois
Author: Elaine Stienon
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 9781456754150
Pages: 300
Genre: Historical fiction