Title: Probability Mechanics
Author: Louis M. Houston
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1-5462-1021-4
Pages: 74
Genre: Non-Fiction, Scientific Theory, Education
About the Author
The author Louis Houston was recently a senior research scientist at the Louisiana Accelerator Center at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA and was in academia for twenty-two years. Prior to academia, the author was a research geophysicist for Exxon. He has three degrees, including a PhD in physics from Rice University in Houston, Texas. He is the author of multiple patents and has published four books and many technical papers. The author has a diverse range of interests which include painting and music. In both of these areas, the author has worked professionally. He has a strong interest in quantum mechanics and information theory, but also has a strong interest in philosophy. The author lives in Lafayette, Louisiana, has a mother and two sisters and maintains a close family relationship. He can be reached by email at houston@louisiana.edu
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