Title: Lying Beliefs
Author: Maurice D. Johnson
Publisher: Maurice D. Johnson
ISBN-13: 978-0615995540
Pages: 184, Paperback
Genre: Spiritual, Psychological




Lying Beliefs is a creative non-fiction conversational documentary that will capture your attention and intrigue you; by way of grasping your awareness and plunging it deep into the vast sea of the human unknown. The material constructed within Lying Beliefs has been created to help those who are pursuing a better sense of self; by way of swimming through the dark man-made seaweed that currently occupies their sub-conscious mind, in order to envision their eternal ‘light.’ Although, the information written within Lying Beliefs is far from shallow; please know the depth of the message communicated is provided in an extremely rational tone. Hence, Lying Beliefs logically sheds light as to why we human beings do not possess a ‘conscious mind.’ Lying Beliefs marries the Christian Religion with Science and reasonably explains the premise behind why we human beings are considered to have a Soul (Sol). Lying Beliefs also provides a plethora of analogies and examples as to how our ‘Almighty Sub-Conscious Mind’ has freed us from our own Free Will. And unbeknownst to us; how we human beings have all become ‘willing’ servants to our man-made sub-conscious beliefs. Thus, we human beings on a daily basis are being manipulated by our very own sub-conscious mind; which in reality is a God given gift that was granted to us to be used in a prudent and loving manner. Therefore, if you are a human being who innately yearns to know why you suffer and what is the root cause that stems your suffering. And if you are really searching for a deeper sense of who you truly are, in order to free your 'self' from your mental anguish; then search no further. Considering, if you are willing to ‘open’ your heart and especially your ‘sub-conscious mind’; Lying Beliefs will cast the light upon the darkness that bears your pain and suffering, as well as, introduce to your sub-conscious mind that glorious light, which illuminates who you truly are. True enlightenment is realizing that the ‘sole/soul’ truth lay beyond our “LYING BELIEFS!”
About the Author

I am a humble Soul who was born in Buffalo, NY on April 26, 1965 and I have been married to the same lovely woman for approximately 18 years and we have beautiful twin boys that fill our lives with joy.  I am not associated with any religion. However, despite my limited involvement with any religious doctrine, I have always had a tremendous ‘sense’ of someone or more so ‘SOMETHING’ within me.

As far back as I can remember I have always been in pursuit of a better sense of what actually defines me.  Therefore, I would only feast off of information that fed and nurtured my true essence. And the variety of information I selectively digested was not limited to a specific genre, concept, or idea.

I would have to say that I am more of an enigma; considering I am not an avid reader and I’ve never had aspirations to become a writer. Hence, I was ‘inspired’ to write, solely based upon a deeper sense of knowing what truly defines me. And as many of us live our lives in pursuit of acadepbr logo  transparentmic degree(s) in order to achieve a higher level of learning; I on the other hand, have simply been in the pursuit of obtaining a higher degree of ‘knowing.’

Then on February 6, 2012; I consciously plugged into the sacred truth in terms of ‘Who I Am’ and on this date I uncovered that my sub-conscious sense of ‘SELF’ is a false representation of who I truly am.

Therefore, my sole (soul) goal is to share my conscious experience with humanity; with the intention of freeing as many of my sibling souls as I possibly can from their egoist sense of self. Considering, it’s primarily our conditioned sub-conscious perception of who we ‘think’ we are; that is actually responsible for our human suffering.

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