Title: The Woven Flag
Author: Margaret Fourt Goka
Publisher: BookVenture Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-946492-70-8
Pages: 76
Genre: Poetry

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The Woven Flag is a collection of poems about home and family, places, animals, inspiration, questions and answers. It begins with poems by a young mother. Then there is a group of poems inspired by animals, real and imaginary. Following this are memories about places. The next poems give you some questions you may have to guess about. A group of poems consider sources of inspiration in coffee, tea or wine. The final poems include remembrances of my parents and my husband.

About the Author

Margaret Goka left home in Maryland to attend college in St. Louis, Missouri at Washington University, majoring in English Literature. Afterwards she moved to California. She complete a M.A. in Linguistics at San Jose State University, and taught English as a Second Language at Evergreen Valley College. She now has three daughters and six grandchildren. She has written poetry since she was young, and wrote these poems as her children grew up and established their own separate lives. She collected the poems written since she came to California in The Woven Flag.

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