Title: Mastering Negative Impulsive Thoughts: Secrets for a Longer, Happier Life!
Author: Dr. John and Elizabeth McIntosh
Publisher: Dr. John and Elizabeth McIntosh; 1 edition
ISBN-13: 978-0992429003
Page Count: 280
Genre: Self-Improvement/Non-Fiction/Psychology
Dr. John McIntosh MBChB, MRCP, MRCGP Dubbed The Medical Guru, entrepreneur Dr. John McIntosh is a qualified medical doctor with specialist qualifications as a hospital physician and family doctor. For more than 30 years, he has been a medical practitioner across four continents and is a leading educator in his field. As an international motivational speaker, regular newspaper columnist and TV and radio presenter John also runs seminars and retreats on self-development, health and wellbeing. With Elizabeth, he has created a series of health and well-being CDs and a TV documentary. Plus, he has built multi million dollar national and international businesses from nothing, through living the philosophies he shares in this book. John’s innovative thinking has led to national awards and many new ways of delivering medical services, setting up health systems, providing community education and combining traditional and complementary services for the best outcomes. With his innovative approach to improve quality health services, he has raised the standards of medical services and is a recognised leader in his field. Across many continents, John has also performed regular medical aid work being the team leader of expeditions to many remote islands as well as working selflessly locally and internationally in humanitarian roles. Rev Elizabeth McIntosh BMSc Elizabeth McIntosh is known as the Positivity Expert from her research and decades of experience in this field. She is qualified in Metaphysical Science, is an ordained Minister, fitness trainer, yoga and meditation teacher, Reiki Master, NLP practitioner, hypnotherapist and life coach. She is also an international motivational speaker, regular newspaper columnist, radio presenter and runs seminars and retreats on self development, health and wellbeing. She has also produced a series of CDs on health, relaxation and success and a TV documentary series. Elizabeth has been in clinical practice for many years and brings together her broad-based skills and personal experiences including international aid work and travel. This results in a unique fusion of modern Western science with ancient Eastern philosophies using the best of both worlds. As a keynote, corporate and seminar presenter, she has innovative concepts to empower people to maximise their full potential and achieve Life Mastery in their personal or professional life.