Title: As Sparks Fly Upward: Weathering the Storms of Life
Author: Michael Carr
Publisher: XlibrisAU
ISBN: 9781524630560
Pages: 226
Genre: Memoir/Christian
When on our path we experience suffering and pain, trials and temptations, and all the other worldly and spiritual tornadoes and calamities, how do we keep calm, carry on, and trust in God to keep us steady? And how do we walk in faith when we face doubts about unanswered prayers and delays in God’s will? In As Sparks Fly Upwards: Weathering the Storms of Life, author and pastor Michael Carr invites his fellow believers to have faith in the provision of God in necessity, in the peace of God in perplexity, in the praise of God in adversity, and in the purity of God amidst iniquity. Writing from the pain and suffering of nursing his sick wife for forty-seven years—a woman whose life was a miracle of longevity—he has gathered together his writings and sermons during those five decades where he dealt with and explained what weathering the storms of life really means for a Christian—handling the hard task of life joyfully and with praise to God. By walking in faith and being undergirded by omnipotence, we can prevail over circumstances that we think are too great, too deep, and too challenging—for greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Life in God should not be more than we can handle, but it should be all that we can handle and that is the right handle to grasp.
About the Author
Michael Carr is now semi-retired from Christian ministry, where he was previously called to Kensington Temple — Elim’s main church in the metropolis — and appointed bishop of London, supervising fifty-five churches. He has his doctorate in ministry and theology, and he pioneered and built his own multinational church, the Harrow International Christian Centre. Prior to that he was a subject tutor and lecturer at the University of Central England in Building philosophy and technology until he was fifty, retiring early, before undertaking full time Christian ministry.
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