Title: Backlash: A War of 1812 Novel
Author: Mike Klaassen
Publisher: Bookbaby
ISBN: 9781682229712
Pages: 554
Genre: Historical Fiction

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In 1812, with questionable justification and inadequate preparation, the newly united States of America declared war on Great Britain, the most powerful nation on earth. In Backlash, five young Americans wage a war that drastically changes their life—and the history of the world. Canadian-born infantry lieutenant George Sherbourne spies on the government of President Madison. In Washington City, George becomes involved with Rachel Thurston, a young Federalist whose father plots to break the northeastern states away and realign with the British. Sixteen-year-old backwoodsman Lemuel Wyckliffe seeks revenge for the massacre of his family. Silas Shackleton, a soldier in the American army, reluctantly fights in battles from the Niagara River to Lake Champlain. Hadjo, a Muscogee warrior, is recruited by Tecumseh to help drive the whites back into the sea. Hadjo and hundreds of other Red Stick warriors are defeated in the Mississippi Territory by forces led by General Andrew Jackson, including Lemuel Wyckliffe. Lemuel and George face each other as British and American forces clash in a climactic battle for New Orleans.

About the Author

Mike Klaassen is the author of “Scenes and Sequels: How to Write Page-Turning Fiction” and “Fiction-Writing Modes: Eleven Essential Tools for Bringing Your Story to Life.” His works of fiction include two young-adult novels (“Cracks” and “The Brute”), and Klaassen’s Classic Folktales, a series of fairytales retold as novellas: “Hansel and Gretel” and “The Frog Prince.” He publishes “For Fiction Writers,” a free monthly ezine about the craft of writing fiction.

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