Title: Handbook of Practical Philosophy: 120 Tips For A Better Life
Author: Panagiotis (Pete) Litsas
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-9845-3511-5
Pages: 88
Genre: Self-help/Philosophy

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This handbook is written in plain and comprehensible language; it is addressed to everyone and creates a feeling for the reader like a friend who is speaking to him. Everything you will read are suggestions and views of various philosophers on key issues of life and how to help people live happily in this life. This particular way of thinking comes from the past, when thousands of years ago philosophers saw the need for the spiritual cultivation of man as a sentient being in order to be able to better enjoy life in organized societies. The handbook consists of three chapters, which are as follows: In the first chapter, advice is given in order to enable a person to cultivate a good relationship with himself. In the second chapter, advice is given on how to cultivate a good relationship with other people, starting with family, friends, neighbors, and with all those who coexist in the same society. The third chapter familiarizes you with the concepts of life and death so you can better appreciate the value of time and life while, at the same time, relieving yourself of the fear of death.

About the Author

I was born in 1981 in Athens, Greece. After I finished high school I got involved with the restaurant business. My passion and my love for philosophy made me more concerned for ancient and modern philosophers. I attended many seminars and I took courses in Athens for philosophy and history. I lived five years in Nicosia in Cyprus and from 2015 I live and work permanently in restaurant business in New York.

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