Title: Celebration(s)
Author: Pat Willene
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-0-7596-6091-5
Pages: 372
Genre: Memoir / Psychology
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Celebrations is a story based on true incidents in the lives of two sisters. It is an inspirational story of pain, hope, and recovery. The sisterhood of Pat and Dee promotes and invites the desire to remain innocent and pure, yet sustains the shattering demonic violence of their father's requirement that beauty is equated to provocative sin and under-achievement is an unforgivable sin. It is the story of the common-ness of heroes --- those who do not make the newspaper, nor find their way to a television spot for a fifteen-minute center-of-the-universe. What we read here is a true and honest journey of women who were incredibly abused, both mentally and physically, and how it takes its toll on them --- yet they fight back to take control of their lives, sometimes faltering in their decisions, but nonetheless, asserting their right to be individuals. The kinship of sisterhood is their road to recovering and their love for each other --- the road to freedom. Join them as they ask you to learn to live, cry, and love with dignity, and know that each person's existence mattered. This is a story of common heroes. They are you and I.
About the Author
Born in Maryland, Pat Willene writes under a pseudonym to preserve the anonymity of her surviving family. She is a graduate of the University of Maryland, and worked as a social worker for six years in the area of Single Parent Service, Foster Care Home finding, Adoption Home finding and Old Age Assistance. Subsequently, she was supervisor of the Para-Legal Division of a law enforcement agency in the area of Child Support for nine years, receiving commendation from the Maryland House of Delegates for her work. Later, she was Chief of Domestic Violence for the same agency.
In addition to her writing, she is currently a Director for Finance and Administration for an international consulting agency, and a humbly proud parent of one son. She speaks on occasion to schools for career consulting and offers hope that violence does not beget violence.
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