Title: Archons: The Foundling
Author: S.R. Herman
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 9781514468289
Pages: 378
Genre: Fiction/Action & Adventure

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Having been caught stealing back into the garden, Nod thought his days on this earth had come to an end. He and his people had sought eternal life and boundless wisdom by eating the fruit beyond the walls. Now, standing guilty before God, the best they could hope for was a quick and painless death. But what happened next came as complete surprise. As a punishment, God gave Nod and his people what they had attempted to steal; Immortality and power. Trouble was, it came with a price. Now they were locked into a war with the immortal enemies of mankind.

About the Author

Stewart Herman lives in southwest Missouri with his wife Melissa and two children, Christopher and Katie. He has worked most of his life as a local haul truck driver, only recently discovering a penchant for writing and storytelling. The book Aeons is the first in a series of at least four more in the continuing saga of the Keepers vs. the Gadiael. With the third book already in manuscript format, Stewart is currently working from home, feverishly typing away on the second and fourth books in the series.

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