Title: Oako’s Heart of Gold
Author: Sandra C Addis
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-5245-0274-4
Pages: 170
Genre: Fiction
This book is meant for every child in every ethnic group or race that he/she belongs to. Perhaps you will recognize yourself in one of these situations. The age and sex is not important. There is hope for a solution to every problem, however difficult.
About the Author
Sandra C. Addis is a widow, mother, and gran. Sandra retired from teaching elementary school after thirty-three years. She loves dramatics and has done much in this field. Sandra enjoys the beach, swimming at the YMCA, reading, movies and musicals, writing, and traveling. God and her family are most important in her life. Sandra has published Flashlight On, Night Fright Off; 3 Sprites and s Bed; Savana’s Secret; and Sean’s Super Surprise. Sandra lives in Strasburg, Pennsylvania, with her adorable cockapoo, Molly.
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