Title: Powerless
Author: Shelley Miller
Publisher: XlibrisUS
Pages: 158
ISBN: 9781543482539
Genre: Fantasy

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Promise Terrene has gone through life thinking that she’s special, that she’s important, and that the world is hers for the taking. This is all because she was born to the most powerful people in the most powerful place in a world where one’s power decides their destiny. Then the day comes when she’s to get powers of her own. But the results are not only the last thing she expected but also what anyone would expect. Now she must learn to survive in a world with no guarantees and no future. The world is not kind to those who lack power.

About the Author

Shelley Miller was born in Burbank, California but now resides in Oregon. She’s been telling stories since before she could even write and has spent her childhood reading stories of Greek gods, monsters, and fairy tales. When she’s not trying to convince the local owls to serve as her Familiar or waiting impatiently for her Hogwarts letter to finally arrive, she can usually be seen reading and blogging.

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