Title: Stress Is Good
Author: Stanley Abbott
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-5245-4016-6
Pages: 72
Genre: Self-Help

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This is an important little book. This book is a simple and positive view of stress. The book exclaims that stress is indeed necessary and good. Important guidelines show you how to be creative in your preparation, approach, and planning. Much stress is put upon simplicity and creativity in a person's evaluation of how to effectively prepare for and cope well with their stressful situations. The author has learned instructing about stress from many years of conducting workshops, seminars, and personal experience as a professor emeritus from Purdue University. This is the author's second book. The first book, titled Enjoy Stress, was a recommended success.

About the Author
Stanley Evans Abbott is a professor emeritus from Purdue University. As a member of the College of Liberal Arts for twenty-four years, he began studying, lecturing, and conducting workshops nationwide on stress management. The impetus to do so was fostered by his father’s major, but nonfatal, heart attack in 1986. The family was surprised to find out from the doctors that the heart attack was because of stress. It was a surprise; he always seemed comfortable and easygoing, friendly, and at ease to everyone’s imagination. The trouble it seemed was because of his keeping any frustration, apprehension, and distress bottled up inside in favor of looking calm, strong, and secure. This led to an investigation into his lifestyle. How could an organ be affected by daily ethos and behavior? This study and progression of knowledge along the theme of stress contributed to the eventual evolution of a simple program. This plan aids in the development and scheduling of ways to better oneself against the many and expected troubles and aggravations that are automatically faced in life.

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