Title: Destructive Irony
Author: Tabatha Kohler
Publisher: XlibrisAU
ISBN: 9781543459487
Pages: 314
Genre: Mystery / Crime
About the Author
My name Is Tabatha Kohler. I am 37 years old. I enjoy reading and writing books. This is currently my third book. My other two books are called, Nightmare in Paradise, and Unspeakable Life. I also have a fourth book on the way called, Shadows of the Night. I am in modeling and acting as well as being a business owner of a bait and tackle shop in Quakertown, Pennsylvania called Tabbees Lures. When I am not working, I love the outdoors, especially when I am fishing. I love traveling around, and testing out my handmade Tabbees lures. I love being with my family and friends. I also enjoy helping kids. I even started a fundraiser called, Santa Fish, where we give gifts to children who are less fortunate.