Title: Princesses and Peas
Subtitle: A Christmas Love Story
Author: Terry Boucher
Publisher: Xlibris
ISBN: 978-1-7960-3831-6
Pages: 58
Genre: Illustrated Children’s Book

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Prince Kevin is coming of age, and his mother, Lady Victoria, wants him to marry a “real princess.” She has found the perfect match for Kevin in Dorothy, a local mayor’s daughter. Lady Victoria invites Dorothy’s family to Christmas dinner to introduce her to Kevin. She has a “princess test” all set using peas and mattresses. But on Christmas Eve, a mysterious young woman named Taryn appears at the royal mansion seeking refuge from a surprise snowstorm, and Kevin seems smitten with this new visitor. Will this mysterious young lady upset Lady Victoria’s plans?

About the Author

Terry Boucher is a free-lance writer who has degrees in mathematics and moral theology. He works in insurance during the day and teaches financial math at night. He is also very involved with his parish’s adult faith formation program. Raising two daughters instilled a love of fairy tales and Broadway musicals in Terry. He lives in Connecticut with his family.

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