Title: Dracus – Book III of LANDON, the Superhero of the Worlds!
Author: Titus Andrew M. Bonifacio
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-9845-6175-6
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 188

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Dracus continues a saga began two books prior involving a curse and Cat World. Although on the surface, Dracus may seem to be an ordinary kid. Readers come to discover, as Zubelle points out, that he has to deal with many things other kids their age do not. Th is evokes empathy and acceptance by many of his classmates.

With dramatic, non-stop action, and suspenseful storytelling, Titus steadily draws us into his world fi lled with bursting enthusiasm and unfettered creativity. His exuberance for the tale is palpable, and his characters are always unique and straight from his heart using enormous imagination. Th e reader, kept in suspense about what happened to Landon, will be surprised to discover who Hanchu and Blik really are and discover the genuine relationship between Dracus and Zubelle.

Titus is an award-winning author and illustrator of his book series, LANDON, the Superhero of the Worlds! He wrote and illustrated the first book in the series when he was nine years old grade school student, and it was published when he was ten. Following that, his second book, LANDON Th e Superhero of the Worlds! A Race to Save the Human Race was released while he was in middle school. Titus is now fi ft een and a sophomore in high school. His first book won a 5 Star Rating from Readers’ Favorite and was selected to compete in a book award contest.

About the Author

TITUS BONIFACIO is an award-winning author and illustrator of his book series, LANDON, the Superhero of the Worlds! He wrote and illustrated the first book in the series when he was nine years old grade school student, and it was published when he was ten. Following that, his second book, LANDON The Superhero of the Worlds! A Race to Save the Human Race was released while he was in middle school. Titus is now sixteen and a sophomore in high school. His first book won a 5 Star Rating from Readers’ Favorite and was selected to compete in a book award contest.

This third book, Dracus, is the final book in his book series, LANDON The Superhero of the Worlds! He began working on this project after his second book in the series during his summer vacation in middle school. He spent most of his summer vacations finishin this book and is very excited to be releasing this new book!

When Titus was ten, he competed with well-known adult authors and illustrators from all over the United States. Authors and actors such as Jim Carrey and Henry Winkler were some of the previous winners from Readers’ Favorite contests. It was a great honor and privilege to have earned a 5-Star Rating from the Readers’ Favorite 170 Book Award Contest. As part of the entry, his first book, “LANDON The Superhero of the Worlds!” was one of ten books chosen at random for representation into Allen Media. Titus was invited on several different occasions to receive awards here in the United States and abroad. He has also participated in several book exhibits, and signings in several states, including his home state of California. The book series displayed in Massachusetts, Miami, California, Phoenix and internationally in the Philippines. Titus also featured as a teen panelist during the 51st Annual Local Authors Exhibition at Neil Morgan Auditorium in the San Diego Central Library and has been invited to several TV interviews and was featured in newspapers.

Titus is very creative and passionate about drawing and writing. Since grade school, he was always optimistic about what the future held for him. He has become a young philanthropist since his first book was published. Titus has donated the profits from book sales to underprivileged children in the form of food and school supplies. His book sales also support some of the public libraries in San Diego and Sunnyvale, California.

For fun, he participates in sports such as soccer and track. Recently, he taught himself hip-hop dancing and learned the guitar. Like most teenagers, he loves to hang out with friends. However, just because he has a busy teenage life, he never forgets to spend time with his family.

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