Title: Frances The Magical Fairy: And The Baby Gosling
Author: Tom Nelson
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 978-1-5320-8316-7
Genre: Illustrated Children’s Book
Pages: 38

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While flying around the countryside, Frances was passing over a lake and upon looking down, she saw a black baby goose. “That doesn’t look right.” she said. She flew down to see what was going on. It was a baby gosling covered with oil. In an effort help the little guy, she talks to animals in the forest to find out how to remove the oil. She finally finds out how and the gosling has the oil removed.

About the Author

Tom is a retired Peace Officer of the State of California Department of Corrections. He has served in the United States Army, served as Worshipful Master in the Masonic Lodge and a member of the Lions Club. He is blessed with a wonderful family, a wife, two daughters five grandchildren and two great grandchildren. A fan of football and golf.

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