Title: The Future King: Return of the Once Monarch
Author: Vishnul Jain
Publisher: Raj Bhavish
ISBN: 979-8989150977
Pages: 321
Genre: Fantasy

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About the Author

Vishnul Jain is an avid mythology and history enthusiast. Mythology is the essence of human civilization and upon traveling the world, Vishnul began to appreciate mythology’s impact on cultures. With a close connection to Hindu and Greek mythology, Vishnul has incorporated elements into his own writing.

Moreover, Vishnul has been faceting gemstones, including colored diamonds, for years. Much like mythology, gemstones tell a story that is deep-rooted. Growing up, magic and fantasy colored Vishnul’s imagination. They provided hope, optimism, and most importantly endless possibilities. Vishnul aspires that the next generation of young readers and readers young at heart will use his writings to do the same for them.

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