Title: The Garnet Bunches
Author: Zeynab Salimova
Publisher: XlibrisUS
Pages: 306
ISBN: 9781543441932
Genre: Fiction
Gunel is a young, truly loving, and devoted Azerbaijani woman. As a result of a drastic transformation of life circumstances, Gunel and her family, her husband, and their two little children need to immigrate to the United States. They are being persecuted by the corrupt judicial system of their country. They have to fight against injustice. Powerful people are closely watching the bowls of the scale in Themis’s hands and making the decision in favor of the side in which the amount of money outweighs the evidence. Courageously, this young family goes through the labyrinth of life. Now, walking with her friend along the path of Central Park in New York, Gunel remembers the hard journey on the way to long-awaited happiness. Colorfully telling about oriental customs, Gunel remembers her complicated life story and the life story of her great-grandmother, who lived with her family in the last century. Thus, the author draws parallels between past and present life in Azerbaijan.
About the Author
Zeynab Salimova was born on January 27, 1981 in Baku. At the age of 34 she moved to New York. Zeynab has published two collections of lyrical poems and a fantasy story “A Stone’s Throw from a Fairy Tale”. “The Garnet Bunches” is the first novel written by Zeynab Salimova. This is a beautiful beginning of the inspiration and passion to keep on writing. She is motivated by her love for the humanity. Zeynab Salimova holds PhD and MBA degrees, and is a member of the Union of Azerbaijani Writers. She is married and has two children.