Author: W.S. Marble
Title: Boilerplate Reich
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 1467990191
Pages: 166, Paperback/Kindle
Genre: Fiction

Author Interview with W.S. Marble

Author Interview with W.S. Marble
Title:  Boilerplate Reich

Interviewed by: James F. Sadler for Pacific Book Review
Today we have the pleasure of being with W. S. Marble, author of the new book Boilerplate Reich. Thank you very much for joining us today.
WSM: Thanks for your kind and generous review, James!

PBR: I thoroughly enjoyed the challenging read of your work. Can you please tell us how the genesis behind the idea of the book and its use of Paul von Hindenburg as the main character came about?

WSM: Surfing the internet, I stumbled across an article about his son, just as I was deciding a possible theme for National Novel Writing Month. As it usually does with me, the entire plot seemed to unfold right before my eyes in a matter of minutes.


PBR: Based upon your research, how true to the personality of the real life Paul von Hindenburg is the character in your book?

WSM: Absolute fantasy. I believe we are each a different person inside than the perception of us the rest of the world holds; so I feel justified in this approach.


PBR: Tell us a bit more about how you thought to write this, for example, did Hindenburg leave behind any diaries which might have inspired your book?

WSM: Not that I know of. At this point in his life, I would suppose that he was in no shape to keep up with such a thing even if he was so inclined. I also believe that these are the thoughts he may have developed, had he the time and mental sharpness for introspection.


PBR: Hindenburg suggests a streamlined constitution, arming all of the citizenry, and a small, but focused, military force, among other ideas. Are these ideas you hope might prove politically viable and be adopted by some political party? Admittedly, they do seem to have a bit of a libertarian bent to them.

WSM: Interesting notion, although I was developing the idea totally for the strategy and tactics perspective, rather than the furthering of any political agenda. I am somewhat disgusted by politics, and less impressed with each group’s antics with each passing year.


PBR: Without exposing any details, did you have any concerns that the science fiction element introduced late in the book — although somewhat foreshadowed early on — might seem like a cop out to some readers?

WSM: Excellent question. Rather than a deus ex machina, this is actually a future event that I find completely plausible, mathematically. I would also agree with Einstein that time can be taken as a moving in either forward or reverse.


PBR: Your book has no back cover summary of what it is about. Would you consider adding one given that, as currently constructed, the reader just dives in having no idea what the book is about?

WSM: If I was not so incredibly lazy, I would do just as you suggested. But truthfully, once I write the magic phrase “The End,” I don’t even want to write another word on the subject—even if that word would help sell the darned thing! I’m more interested in “what’s up next?”


PBR: What new material are you presently working on?

WSM: I’m outlining the second volume of my new series, Jade Rabbit. It’s basically the exact same story as “Boilerplate,” substituting Buddha for Hitler. I’m only kidding–the two books are dissimilar. Both stories do however share that they ask the reader to stretch well outside the normal degree of expectation.


PBR: This has all been very interesting. We certainly thank you again for your time, and wish you the best of success with your book.

WSM: And I very much appreciate your interest and insights, James. Thanks much!