Title: An Impossible Wife: Why He Stayed: A True Story of Love, Marriage, and Mental Illness
Author: Rachael Siddoway & Sonja Wasden
Publisher: The Gap Press
ISBN: 978-1733619448
Pages: 211
Genre: Mental Health/Memoirs

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Mitch and Sonja’s marriage faced challenges unlike most. Mitch fell in love with Sonja from their first meeting, but despite the passion between them, Sonja’s harrowing struggle with bipolar disorder created roadblocks to their happily ever after.

Written by the couple’s own daughter, An Impossible Wife, is a raw, honest look at everything it takes to love a partner with a mental illness and proves that even friendly fire can draw blood. The compelling narrative about love, mental health, and the difficulties that emerge when the two are combined is heart-wrenching. This true story takes an intimate look at a man fighting for his wife and marriage.

An Impossible Wife is a lighthouse of hope for those facing an all-consuming mental illness, either for themselves or for someone they love.

About the Author

Rachael Siddoway has traveled the country speaking with organizations, mental health advocacy groups, government officials, and media outlets about her family’s personal experiences with mental health struggles and about the stigmas that surround mental illness. Rachael has been interviewed more than fifty times on local and national news, including CBS This Morning. She is an author, keynote speaker, and mental health advocate. Rachael graduated from Brigham Young University with a BA in Art Education. A lover of cats and poetry, she lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband, Brett. –This text refers to the paperback edition.

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