Title: Back to Basics: How To Move Dirt Efficiently
Author: R.A. Martin
Publisher: XlibrisAU
ISBN: 978-1796006643
Pages: 442
Genre: Non-fiction/Crafts, Hobbies
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

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Physical and manual labor are two of the most challenging things a person can do, but it is often said that with hard work comes hard earned rewards. As Thomas Edison once said, “The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are: Hard work, Stickto-itiveness, and Common sense.” In author R.A. Martin’s book Back to Basics: How To Move Dirt Efficiently, the author presents a clear cut path to managing projects involving mining and moving earth.

The book details the simple and easy to use instructions on how to move dirt properly. Throughout this lengthy read, readers are shown through the years of experience the author has amassed how to properly manage the safe removal and distribution of dirt and the earth as a whole while on a job site, using diagrams and a simple format without any complex jargon related to the technical side of things.

This is a very detailed and goal-oriented book which helps showcase the amount of work and the process of removing dirt from a site that is often overlooked by the average person. From In-Pit Water management to managing slippery roads in wet conditions while hauling dirt and going into detail on the risks to workers when mining overall, this book does a great job of analyzing the situation in detail.

This book is for anyone who works in a construction or manual labor job that involves moving dirt, anyone looking to undertake a complex project that would involve a process similar to this, or anyone who enjoys books on physical labor and practices for hard working jobs like this. It is interesting to see how jobs people take for granted on the outside are far more complex and involved than some can assume at first glance, and this book does a marvelous job of simplifying the process for the average consumer.

This is a great and thorough read for anyone interested in learning how to properly remove dirt while on the job in a mining operation or some other form of work involving the removal of earth. The diagrams and detailed analysis of the operation is great to see, and does a great job of speaking to the average worker and consumer on a less technical level than most would appreciate. It’s a great book for this field, so be sure to grab R.A. Martin’s book Back to Basics: How To Move Dirt Efficiently today!

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