Title: Backlash: A War of 1812 Novel
Author: Mike Klaassen
Publisher: Bookbaby
ISBN: 9781682229712
Pages: 554
Genre: Historical Fiction
Reviewed by: Lisa Brown-Gilbert

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Pacific Book Review Star
Awarded to Books of Excellent Merit

Departing from his successful work in the genre of Young Adult fiction, author Mike Klaassen triumphantly takes readers on an intensely realistic journey back in time, with his compelling work of historical fiction, Backlash: A War of 1812 Novel. A creative fusing of history, strong characterizations, and gritty war scenes, this is a read that skillfully immerses readers into the heart of the war and deeper still into the hearts and minds of those it touched.

 Author Klassen delivers a notable and thoroughly detailed epic of a novel which instantly enthralls the reader. Fraught with attention to the essential details of the war and life during that period, the story proffers a fully engaging experience that is both revealing and fascinating. He skillfully features the major players, the bloody battles, the grit, the violence, the politics, the expansive war theater, the highly charged emotions, the heroism, and the fears, all of which culminate into a stunning eyewitness view of a bloody and traumatic time in history which etches indelible images of the war in the reader’s mind.

Moreover, what really catalyzes the story is the blending of strong fictional characterizations of five Americans into the story. The story traces their lives during the war, with each character coming from a distinctly different cultural background. Consequently, each person finds themselves irrevocably drawn into the war with their lives to be forever changed as they intertwine with the movements of the war. Their stories are poignant, affecting and their involvement in the story adds deep insight into the read as each character offers a differing perspective on the war. In succession we are acquainted with the characters; to begin with, we meet sixteen year old Lemuel Wyckliffe, a young patriot and militia man seeking vengeance against the natives for the brutal murders of his family. Next, we are introduced to Lt. George Sherbourne, a member of the British army who looks to advance himself to a bigger battle. Soon after, appears fifteen year old Hadjo, a Muscogee native who fights alongside of Shawnee tribe leader Tecumseh determined to help with the battle to stop the white man’s theft of his people’s land. Then, comes seventeen year old Silas Shackleton, abandoned son of a prostitute whose finds himself suddenly pressed into reluctantly serving in the British navy. Lastly, we meet twenty year old Rachel Thurston, an independent young woman whose federalist father’s influence allows her a somewhat pampered view of life during the war.

Conclusively, if you are a fan of historical fiction, well-written drama, or just great storytelling Backlash: A War of 1812 Novel, makes a worthy read. Overall, I enjoyed the varied characters, pacing, competent details, and vivid imagery masterfully put forth by author Mike Klassen and now look forward to reading his other works.