Title: Becoming Female and Male: Our Extraordinary and Perilous Journey
Author: Ramon Piñon, Jr.
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-4931-4795-3
Pages: 286
Genre: Psychology/Biology
Reviewed by: Ella Vincent
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Becoming Female and Male: Our Extraordinary and Perilous Journey is an informative book about biology by professor Ramon Piñon, Jr. He details the physical and psychological aspects of becoming male and female in a book that will enlighten many readers.
Piñon writes about the biological sexes of male and female from the womb to old age. He details how the sex of a child is determined in the womb and how that assigned sex affects men and women in their lives. Piñon writes about female biology from the stages of being female: puberty, menstruation, reproduction, birth, menopause. He also writes about the physical changes men go through from puberty to the changes they go through when they get older. Throughout Becoming Female and Male, Piñon presents the information with clear and concise wording that readers will find easily accessible.
Becoming Female and Male is an insightful and educational text. Piñon is a professor emeritus of biology and brings his wealth of experience and knowledge to Becoming Female and Male Piñon writes about the biological aspects of being female and male ina refreshingly honest way. He highlights the psychological as well as physical details of sex and gender. Piñon delves into the consequences of men using steroids and how it can affect their testosterone levels and even sperm count. He also writes about what happens when biological functions are imperfect and expounds on topics like infertility and miscarriage with incisive information.
Piñon expounds on how modern technologies like in-vitro fertilization have on women’s bodies and women’s pregnancies in the future. Becoming Female and Male addresses controversial parts of women’s biology and pregnancy, such as birth control and prenatal screening for diseases in a way that provokes readers’ awareness.
Becoming Female and Male is perfect for people of all genders who want to learn more about their bodies and how they came to be. Piñon’s writing would be ideal for fans of biology/health texts about the body like Our Bodies, Ourselves. For fans of Cameron Diaz’s The Body Book, readers will want to read this as a companion book to learn about the body. Universities will want to add the book to biology, sexuality, or psychology classes. The educational text would also be a useful part of any library’s biology collection as well. Ramon Piñon, Jr.’s Becoming Female and Male is an astute study of biology that readers will find entertaining and engaging as they learn about themselves and their place in nature.