Title: Blessed Memorial: Imaginings from Lectio Divina
Author: Paul Martin
Publisher: ‎Page Publishing
ISBN: 979-8887936581
Pages: 268
Genre: Spiritual / Fiction
Reviewer: Ephantus M.

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Author Paul Martin’s Blessed Memorial: Imaginings from Lectio Divina follows a retired carpenter who, after unexpectedly discovering the criminal history of previous offenders, decides to track them down – only to discover information that challenges his overall self.

Thomas Strongtree and his wife discover a vendor selling a set of mug photographs and fingerprint cards from police arrests of teens arrested in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s at a flea market one Saturday morning. Strongly feeling “drawn” to meet them and hear their stories, he hires an investigator to assist in their search. He does this against legal advice to refrain from starting such a “project,” as it may easily destroy and bury him.

Many of those he encounters on his quest are shocked to hear that the records were never sealed or purged. Notably, some of them have quite successful lives, which astounds Tom and makes him wonder how that happened. During their chats, he notices one name in particular: that of a police officer in charge of supervising their community work. Tom grows increasingly fascinated by him as the individuals show their adoration for the officer. He later discovers principles and an epiphany moment that altered the officer’s outlook on life and led him to make a drastic decision.

The readers embark on an emotionally stirring journey through this gripping book to discover how some young people’s early encounters with the police impacted their lives and what advice they would give to their younger selves. The tale majorly focuses on their brave but challenging choices that produced greater than expected results, as well as their touching and motivational epiphanies. There is no denying the story’s compelling viewpoint on forgiveness and the consequences of decisions right from the start. It flawlessly succeeds in offering a novel perspective on fostering a reading culture. Last but not least, by depicting the potential long-term implications of both good and bad parenting practices, it manages to provide clear guidelines on acceptable parenting.

With its well-founded themes on self-redemption, Blessed Memorial: Imaginings from Lectio Divina reaffirmed my core convictions while also stretching my imagination. In addition to establishing the biblical account of the affluent young man, it piqued my interest with its potential application in everyday life. My admiration and inspiration were sparked by the protagonist’s courage, altruism, dignity, and calm demeanor as he attempted to do something that appeared impossible for someone his age. By showing how one can draw on the positive aspects of their past, Blessed Memorial: Imaginings from Lectio Divina by Paul Martin offered me lessons I feel are crucial for anybody hoping to change their life. I believe that its straightforward approach and smart universal life lessons will make the book an enjoyable read for individuals of all ages and religions.

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