Title: Boba’s Adventure
Author: Leah Rondogiannis
Publisher: XlibrisAU
ISBN: 978-1-5434-0510-1
Pages: 21
Genre: Juvenile Fiction
Reviewed by: Caroline Smith
Pacific Book Review
Leah Rondogiannis brings to life Boba, a little teddy bear, in this delightful illustrated book simply titled Boba’s Adventure. Decorated with a picture storyboard to help with telling the events, Boba is taken from his home from his mummy and daddy and transported far away with the help of magic travel dust. Once arriving at his new and different destination, he meets a young girl, Matilda, who brings Boba home. There she discovers the bear can actually speak! Boba tells Matilda he misses his parents, and explains how he was transported with the magic travel dust. So they return to the spot where Boba was found, and locating the box containing the dust, they sprinkle it on Boba as he disappears in a flash.
Written for the toddler to kindergarten age group as a bedtime story, this kind and imaginative story brings the miracle of space and other worlds to the impressionable minds of children. It is an ideal springboard for having the children drift off to dreamland thinking about the love of mum and dad and the comfort of being in their own bed at home. Rondogiannis lulls the story in just the right time to be read to children prior to turning out the light – a quick story yet one full of love and warmth.
We all know children love stuffed teddy bears. Although the story ends with hope and safety for Boba, they no doubt will curl up to their own cuddly bear and imagine it is Boba with them in their bed. Hopefully there will be more adventures for such a loved little Boba in the future. As Boba had traveled between Planet Green and Planet Blue, children can look up in the night’s sky and imagine what other planets and wondrous adventures life has to reveal out there.