Title: Born In Space: Unlocking Destiny (Sci-Fi Galaxy)
Author: Jeremy Clift
Publisher: Ellewon Press
ISBN: 979-8990010727
Pages: 412
Genre: Science Fiction
Reviewer: Aaron Washington

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Born In Space: Unlocking Destiny is an exciting book for literature lovers who especially adore sci-fi. The reader is transported to a different planet, and gets to imagine what life for human beings would look like if there were other options to live outside of Earth. This is the first book in the Sci-fi Galaxy series, and if this story is anything to go by, then everyone who reads this book should read subsequent titles. Author Jeremy Clift, in his artistic and creative mind, has created one of the best sci-fi materials today. As a reader, you get wrapped up in the happenings in the book, and feel every moment during the occurrences. Jeremy Clift’s exceptional skill in inscription is so immense that it can pull readers into becoming sci-fi enthusiasts who may have been overlooking this genre in the past. I particularly like the dialogues in the book as the conversations make up a good fraction of the text, and dialogue between characters is very engaging.

In the Sci-fi Galaxy Series, we follow the lives of a family whose mother is a scientist while the father is a professor. This looks like a typical family of father, mother, and children, until the reader meets every child with their unique characteristics. One of the children, Teagan Ward, and her brother Hunter make some of the most interesting characters. Teagan Ward conceived babies artificially when she donated her eggs for medical research. The research experiment did not go as she had hoped, and the children conceived were woven into an outer space plan. Teagan’s seven children make the book stimulating, as it is through them which we get to visualize how the future will be if mankind decides to find a permanent home on other planets.

I like how the story starts, with a typical family doing usual things, then progresses to life outside the Earth. One thing every reader will appreciate is how vast the Universe is. Human interactions were exciting to follow, but what thrilled me the most were the encounters of outer space creatures.

Jeremy Clift wrote a book which reads fictitious yet real at the same time. Everything from being transported to the future, to the scientific breeding of children, and how human beings relate in diverse situations, are all spectacularly written. I also like how the author describes characters before introducing them to the reader. I appreciate this technique as it gives the reader more context as the story unfolds.

There are many themes in the book which readers will appreciate; my favorite being life in space. The introduction of, development and existence of space babies, synthetic biology and alien life make the biggest accounts in the book, and also the most interesting. Readers will also love time travel, family, conflict, and scientific themes.

Born In Space: Unlocking Destiny allows you to stretch your imagination. It is a wonderful book if you are the kind of reader who romanticizes life in space, enjoys fantasy along with a little drama, and mostly enjoys being immersed in the world of fanciful science fiction.

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