Title: Bubba: Happily Ever After
Authors: Richard Engel and Deborah Dominguez
Publisher: Matchstick Literary
ISBN: 978-1637909096
Pages: 42
Genre: Children’s Book Fiction
Reviewed by: Jennifer Bailey

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Bubba is a gerbil who loves his human Debi, but in his heart, he knew he belonged out in the world exploring.  Living with Debi once more has been a dream, but everything is not okay.  Debi’s father wants to use Bubba to make money by turning him into a TV star.  After seeking the help from their pastor, Debi and Bubba figure out a plan and Bubba learns to use his communication skills to become a therapy gerbil.

Who doesn’t love a story about a pet gerbil finding a way to explore the world beyond his habitat?  This is a fun and entertaining book to read.  The simplistic language is easy for young children to understand and is a great tool to use to help them learn to read longer chapter books.  It is interesting and holds the child’s attention as they are eager to find out what happens next to Bubba.  It is a story that is simple to follow along with and understand the transition to each scene/chapter.

Authors Richard Engel and Deborah Dominguez meet their young readers at their level and help develop their reading comprehension skills.  Richard Engel gives his readers a book that is appealing in a variety of ways and a character everyone could fall in love with; I mean who doesn’t love a gerbil.  It opens the door to discussions about service animals and what they do, as well as what it means to be a friend.

Bubba: Happily Ever After is a sweet novel which introduces children to the idea of a service/therapy animal. This is the kind of book kids would enjoy before bedtime or for a little bit of down time with mom and dad.  This is a book kids will want to return to and eagerly ask to read.  Pick up this book today, you and the kids in your life will love it.

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