Tavern on the Edge of Time
Title: Tavern on the Edge of Time Author: Peter Darrach Publisher: CreateSpace ISBN: 978-1478359807 Pages: 366, pages Genre: Science Fiction Reviewed by: Lisa Brown-Gilbert, Pacific Book [...]
Title: Tavern on the Edge of Time Author: Peter Darrach Publisher: CreateSpace ISBN: 978-1478359807 Pages: 366, pages Genre: Science Fiction Reviewed by: Lisa Brown-Gilbert, Pacific Book [...]
Title: Carry the Knight Author: Miguel Lopez de Leon Publisher: 2014, Galadria Worldwide ISBN: 978-0692229033 Pages: 62, Paperback Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Reviewed by: Anita Lock, [...]
Title: The Unicorn Author: Miguel Lopez De Leon Publisher: Galadria Worldwide ISBN: 0692229027 Pages: 84, Paperback Genre: Fantasy Fiction Reviewed by: Krista Schnee, Pacific Book Review Author's Website [...]
Title: Rocket Ship Author: C.O.B Publisher: 2014, Grey Line Press ISBN: 9780983002835 Pages: 268, Paperback Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Reviewed by: Anita Lock, Pacific Book [...]
Title: Peter Huddleston and the Knights of the Leaf Author: Miguel Lopez de Leon Publisher: Amazon Digital Services ASBN: B00JB10HIO Pages: 215 Genre: Fantasy/YoungAdult Reviewed [...]
Title: Galadria: Peter Huddleston & The Mists of the Three Lakes Author: Miguel Lopez de Leon Publisher: Amazon Digital Services ASBN: B00JB0E8TO Pages: 180 Genre: [...]