Title: Children of God
Author: Luke Roberts
Publisher: Bennett Media and Marketing
ISBN: 978-1964296104
Pages: 218
Genre: Christian Fiction / Thriller
Reviewed by: Christina Avina

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It is often said that everyone has a past. The past is a powerful thing. While some can choose not to let the past define them, others can see the past as a road map which leads to a journey of self-discovery, and a path towards redemption. The mistakes made in a person’s past, if left unchecked, can rear its ugly head in shocking and unexpected ways, and it is up to that person to come to terms with those mistakes and learn from the past.

This is the situation found in the story by author Luke Robert’s novel, Children of God. In this suspenseful tale, four people find themselves brought together as if by destiny in the heart of a violent city of Chicago. Paul, a father still struggling with grief, alongside his nephew Luke, find themselves teaming up with two ex-convicts, Sam and JD, as they make their way through the murky streets of the city. JD, a man with sins aplenty, begins to preach about God’s good works, and the power which can be found in forgiveness. Yet as his preaching reaches many, two men scarred by the sins of their past find themselves transporting a nuclear bomb into the city, while Padre, once a Marine, is sent to assassinate a prominent figure at a Unity rally. It will be up to the four unlikely heroes to step up and protect the city from the coming darkness, and itself.

What a rich tapestry of character development in this novel! The author does a brilliant job of writing compelling, well-rounded individuals which engage the readers on a profound level. The balance which is found in the narrative between the dynamics of the characters themselves and the themes of faith, friendship, and redemption in the story, are beyond fantastic to see come to life on the pages. The adrenaline-fueled suspense of the underlying narrative of the assassin and the bomb threat facing the city and its citizens, allows the readers to feel the pressure, sorrow, and the reasoning behind these characters’ major arcs.

For those who enjoy a wealth of balance between suspense thrillers, Christian Fiction, and faith-driven mysteries, this is the absolute perfect novel for them. The fast-pace of the story doesn’t interfere with the readers’ attempts to connect with these characters; as each brings a different trauma or haunted past to their experiences in the narrative, and the threads of hope and despair play melodically together as the story progresses. The infusion of faith and friendship plays well into that hope, while the despairing and emotional wellspring brings out the despair making the ticking clock of the story an underlying heartbeat.  Both the assassin and this bomb become a prominent threat allowing the readers to feel the tension and atmosphere at play here.

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