Title: Christian: Label or Lifestyle
Author: Thomas Fitzhugh Sheets
Publisher: ‎ ‎ReadersMagnet LLC
ISBN: 979-8890915061
Pages: 60
Genre: Religion and Spirituality
Reviewer: Ephantus M.

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Thomas Fitzhugh Sheets’ thought-provoking book, Christian: Label or Lifestyle, explores the intricacies of the postmodern theological revolt that is today leading a growing number of people to conclude one’s lifestyle has no significance for one’s ability to enter heaven on the Lord’s Day.

Thomas Fitzhugh Sheets has discovered that the theological foundations of the Calvinist movement, which once approved of a hedonistic, sexually promiscuous culture, have seeped deeply into the Church today, offering people hope for heaven despite their immoral lives. He has seen the emergence of a wicked and irreligious age which adopts a Christian façade, yet engages in destructive, immoral, and unrepentant activities openly. As he has stated in this book, God’s goal is for everyone to be rescued, but this cannot be feasible for such people—those who refuse to live by the promises of salvation, to lead a life of sincere faith and with evidence of virtuous deeds which advance the Kingdom.

Sheets argues that society as a whole must restore the lost moral compass that leads to Jesus, the Truth. He also holds that everyone has to be aware of the promise of the impending day of judgment because it will allow them to live each day to the fullest and make them worthy of the eternal prize which awaits them at the return of Jesus.

This book’s concept, which the author developed 10 years ago, is topical, in-depth, and highly pertinent in contemporary Christian circles. It does an excellent job of exposing theological transgressions, such as the instantaneous acquisition of eternal life upon conversion. Throughout the book, the author’s forceful voice is audible, denouncing the rabble who have created their own salvation plan which excludes Christ’s Second Coming and is just interested in fleeting pleasure.

Unquestionably, Christian: Label or Lifestyle is a crucial Christian thought-storm that reveals what the church ought to emphasize, what the basis for the promise of everlasting life is, and how to effectively impart God’s ideals to the next generation. It completely draws on scripture and will positively impact the reader’s preparedness for the Lord’s Day. I recommend this book to spiritual leaders and anyone interested in leveraging the power of Holy Christianity to overcome life challenges.

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