Title: Clouds of War: Past, Present and on the Horizon
Author: Jerry L. Burton
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 9781664121713
Genre: Biography, History
Pages: 270
Reviewed by: Jason Lulos

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The term “fog of war” refers to the experience of uncertainty or confusion in battle and military situations. In this book, Clouds of War, denotes the present day uncertainty about what lies on the horizon: how can we steer this country in the right direction? These two principles of uncertainty are perfect metaphors for framing this work which is actually a three-part synthesis of narratives: the fascinating life of Ret. Lt. Col. William H. Drumm, Jr., interspersed with a thorough history of the United States from World War I to the present, and a political prescription for the future of this country: those figurative clouds which lie ahead.

This story/history, dedicated to the memory of his wife Mary Lou begins with William (Bill) Drumm’s formative years. Although he was not born until 1924, his formative years really begin with World War I 1914-18. The significance of history plays such a pivotal role in Bill’s life that this was the most fitting place to begin. His father William Sr., father-in-law Luther G. Maloney, and aunt Sadie A. Krause all served in the first world war. Bill weaves his personal reflections on his family’s service with incisive analyses of the international events that led up to World War I. It is a really effective and engaging way of wedding the personal with the historical.

Bill’s life is marked by an idyllic childhood followed by a lifetime of military service. He is called up during World War II and goes through extensive education and aviation training. When finally sent to war, he is tasked with flying a B-24 Liberator similar to the famous Memphis Belle – a B-17 Flying Fortress, to deliver fuel from India to China. This is noted as one of the more dangerous flying missions during the war because of the explosive cargo and because his flight path ran over the Himalayas: some of the worst weather in the world. Following 27 missions, including a particularly harrowing journey through a hail/thunderstorm, Bill returns stateside.

Bill’s hectic, eventful life marches on with marriage, children, and a truly itinerant military career, moving from base to base constantly while in the states. He also served in the Berlin Crisis, the Korean War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, and search and rescue missions notably following Hurricane Katrina. There are too many interesting anecdotes to get into here. A few sticks out: of course, his treks over the Himalayas, his interactions with Pentagon/DEFCON officials during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and his personal reflections on history and the future of this country.

Ret. Lt. Col. Jerry. L. Burton’s biography of Ret. Lt. Col. William H. Drumm Jr. is a shrewd, inviting piece of writing. I thoroughly enjoyed the seamless blending of historical lessons with the admirable life of a war hero. In the end, William Drumm lays out the current threats to the Constitution and the freedoms we all enjoy. He implores us to “step up” and learn from history. His aim is to inspire the reader to sift through the clouds of modern politics: to move forward but also to honor and maintain the Constitutional foundations of America. If you’re looking for thought-provoking historical analysis told through a sweeping story of an admirable life, look no further than Clouds of War: Past, Present and on the Horizon.

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