Title: Come with Me
Author: Geoffrey Zamboni
Publisher: Geoffrey Zamboni
ISBN: 979-8868910357
Pages: 66
Genre: Vampire Romance /Romance /Paranormal
Reviewed by: Liz Konkel

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It all begins with a mysterious meeting. Jeff doesn’t know what to expect when his best friend asks to meet with him on the Santa Monica Pier where he’s introduced to the mysterious Charlie. He doesn’t know what it is about him but a strange aura draws him in and he soon discovers a shocking secret. When Jeff is faced with repercussions that stem from their connection, he devises a plan to regain a hold over his own life. But he never could have predicted the consequences which would follow.

The story is fast-paced, opening directly with this meeting that creates an immediate sense of suspense and piques your curiosity. This sets a tone that is mysterious and set against action which happens quickly. From the beginning, you can see the importance of it and the weight this has for Jeff which makes you quickly interested in seeing where the story will go. This manifests an air of mystery around this character that is going to be an important focal point going forward and within Jeff’s journey. The opening does a great job of establishing the interest while also ensuring the danger is understood with Kevin as the catalyst for pulling Jeff into the mystery. Kevin sets up this through his own experience with missing time which capitalizes on a strange feeling that surrounds Charlie’s character. The writing does a good job of using this as a clue to tell you something is wrong without being too overt about it.

The story sets up the dynamics without wasting any time, telling you that Kevin and Jeff are friends and there’s a quick understanding of trust between them. These come with well-written characters that establish the world around them and invite you in to see how their story will play out. However, most of the dynamic exploration occurs between Charlie and Jeff as the story weaves between them. This allows you to see the type of person they are while effectively showing that Charlie is wealthy as he has a yacht and money which furthers the intrigue of him. The draw to him has an otherworldly essence to it that steadily grows the more you learn about him and his status as a Count. By seeing Charlie’s perspective, you can understand him better and see behind the curtain that is being shown to Jeff so you can get the full picture. However, the mystery is maintained so that you do not get too much of it too quickly and you’re still able to enjoy the ride as you make theories that may or may not be true by the end.

The story is rather quick so it narrows in more on Jeff and Charlie over other characters, though this does not mean these are unimportant. These characters help round out the world while ramping up different elements such as the danger, wealth, and intrigue associated with Charlie or with the normalcy associated with Jeff.  Kevin is used throughout the story as a way for Jeff to play his feelings and suspicions off someone who helps him ground himself in what he knows to be reality. This also helps to create a question of looking past the glamor of money and power to see the danger that lurks within. The drama is appealing and is a constant presence as a nagging feeling in the back of Jeff’s mind that alerts you to the possibility that something is very off about the situation.

This is an ideal read for those who enjoy quick stories, built on suspense, and character-driven narratives. This story makes for an engaging summer read as Come with Me is suspenseful, mysterious, dangerous, and comes with an ominous twist.

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