Title: Covered By Grace
Author: Mary Berry
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1984568748
Pages: 186
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Reviewed by: Aly Avina
Pacific Book Review
Every now and then, a book comes along that makes you think and ponder over your own life and the decisions you’ve made. It is a book which not only helps you reflect upon your life but helps you discover ways to make it more meaningful than before. That is precisely what you can expect from this book, Covered By Grace”by author Mary Berry. It is an in-depth look into faith and hope, after feeling as though all is lost.
By definition, “Grace” is “biblically defined as the unmerited, unearned, and undeserved favor and/or blessings from God” which is explained to the audience early on in this book. This is a helpful descriptor particularly for those who may not be as familiar with religion and Christian values. Berry makes sure to deliver on explanations that will help those who are unfamiliar with Christian terminology better understand her story and redemption.
All throughout this book, we are treated with meaningful scriptures which coincide with the part of the story she is currently touching on. It helps engage the audience and vividly brings them to an understanding of what it is which could help them in their own journey of forgiveness for past sins. Many of the book’s core values in which Berry touches on are applicable to anyone going through a hardship, particularly one that was caused by their own doing. Berry lets go of all her fears of sharing her own sins and connects with her audience by recounting her own journey of guilt and shame until the day she felt she was forgiven after repenting for said sins. God’s grace is what helped her move on from the past into a life of deeper meaning and faith in her faith in God and religion.
For those of you who may not be religious, don’t let that deter you from a book such as this. It has many great life lessons that can apply to most people’s lives in one way or another. Furthermore, for those who easily relate to this book due to the religious nature of it, it will be a great read which will leave you wanting to accept your past sins, repent, and eventually strengthen your own relationship with God. It is a beautifully written novel that touches on many important subjects, including forgiving yourself after years of guilt and shame have weighed on you. This is one you won’t want to miss, so be sure to pick up your copy of Covered By Grace by Mary Berry today!