Title: Deadwood and Beyond
Author: Kip Meyerhoff
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 9781532027628
Pages: 454
Genre: Crime Mystery
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington

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Pacific Book Review Star
Awarded to Books of Excellent Merit

Rollo Michaels was discharged from service and that devastation also broke his 12-year marriage. The financial burden of child support, alimony, and beer were too heavy so he was desperate to find employment of some sort. Thus he began his firm of Michaels & Associates. This L.A. private investigation firm grew quickly. Rollo tries hard to be good. To be a good father to his son and daughter and to be a good professional taking good care of his clients. He enjoys the occasional debauchery in between but that did not take away from the fact that he is a good man. In the course of business, Rollo finds himself handcuffed at the back of a police cruiser having been found at the scene of a murder with a gun and gunpowder on his hands.

Deadwood and Beyond is very well written. It follows a naturally effortless progression, allowing the reader to enjoy every stage of the story. The author has done a creative job of presenting the story from different aspects. The reader gets to see the plot unfold from the aspect of both hunter and hunted. This makes for a very intriguing experience. The author favors vivid descriptions of everything from scenery to action sequences. His intention to paint a mental image is apparent and successful. “…going from one device to the other like a freewheeling jazz percussionist.” This is just one of the many sentences that are funny and just perfectly apt.

The kind of reader who would enjoy this story finds pleasure in action filled scenes and mysteries. The author is actually a former cop and that experience in his background is apparent in his writing. Even the dialogue between characters is typical of cops but not to the point that it confuses the reader. Unlike most crime novels, this is not riddled with holes. The author covers every angle just fine. Adult readers with a penchant for action-filled mysteries will love this book as it will give the reader a thrill. One will also identify with the characters, especially Rollo who is just a rough around the edges man trying to do his best for his children and craft.

It is a little confusing at first going from the Rollo chapters to the Soldier chapters as they are all in first person narrative. However, after a while you will start to appreciate it as it gets you in deeper into the mind of either man. This book is highly recommended. Take your time with it so you enjoy the author’s excellent imagery. Some of the sentences you will want to read and reread. Let them simmer; turn them over in your head.

This crime mystery novel is deserving of a star review. It covers all the bases a good book should cover. Deadwood and Beyond has an interesting plot, great characters, exquisite writing; a full-bodied narrative with a healthy dose of intrigue and suspense to boot.