Title: Death with Dignity: The Case for Legalizing Physician-Assisted Dying and Euthanasia
Author: Robert Orfali
Publisher: Mill City Press
ISBN: 9781836780181
Pages: 229, Paperback/Kindle
Genre: Non-Fiction/Current Events/Alternative Health


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Reviewed by: Beth Adams, Pacific Book Review

Author’s Website


Pacific Book Review

Death With Dignity: The Case for Legalizing Physician-Assisted Dying and Euthanasia, by Robert Orfali is dedicated to the loving memory of his wife, Jeri Edwards Orfali. Robert Orfali clearly states his book is not about Jeri, but rather he uses her life and what she went through as an example to interpret the matrix of laws, cultural taboos and religious concerns people currently confront when faced with a terminal illness. Like a 58 faceted diamond, Robert Orfali shines the light of understanding, logic and honesty through each of the prismatic cuts on the issue of terminal illness; revealing a spectrum of colors of clarity of thought, determinations and options. He has an uncanny ability to “peel the onion” of such a complex situation, layer-by- layer, into meaningful and easily understandable deductions of reason. What one gets from reading this book is a sober reality-check on how to deal with the end of life decisions, events and protocols of caring for the critically terminally ill, or yourself.

This book is for everyone, not just those currently fighting a disease, as “we all are only one heartbeat away from death.” Mortality is the common dominator of all life. If we have self-control granted to us for how we live, why are we faced with no decision when it comes to how to die? The concepts of euthanasia, both self-administered and physician-administered are key discussion points throughout Death With Dignity. The States of Oregon and Washington, and the Netherlands prove most pro-active in their humane approach to administer the drug Nembutal; a 100% effective and painless drug used to cease life. The legal pre-requisites and procedures necessary along with the patients’ decisions are clearly identified to result in a lawful self-administered death. This may be viewed as suicide to some, or if assisted brought under the umbrella of murder, however Robert Orfali removes all of the religious and sociological “spin” on the topic.

It is truly beyond the scope of this review to even scratch the surface of the minutiae of detail, scores of examples and postures of reason brought forth in this expertly written book. Suffice to say this is the most comprehensive and thought-provoking current research I have seen on the issue, as well as an easily assimilated platform for understanding the complexity surrounding suicide. The humble and sensitive character of Robert Orfali is revealed “between the lines,” as one reads many of his transcripts of conversations with his late wife. Can this book help people suffering from cancer? Certainly; but that’s not only why it was written. It helps all people. It helps the patients, their families, the medical profession and society when the issues within Death With Dignity are openly discussed and understood.

Professionally footnoted in a scientific literary fashion, the book has appendixes with data on further reading available, helpful organizations, websites and more. Robert Orfali has certainly taken time to bring an expert understanding quickly to those who need to know this information – to some before it is too late.

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