Title: Emerald Greed
Author: Brian Ray Brewer
Publisher: GoldTouch Press, LLC
ISBN: 978-1955347105
Pages: 222
Genre: Action & Adventure
Reviewed by: Christina Avina

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Is there any better form of escapism in a book than an action and adventure tale mixed in with just the right amount of romance? For me, probably not. It is one of my favorite book genres and Emerald Greed by Brian Ray Brewer surely does not disappoint my high expectations of a story such as this. Author Brian Ray Brewer manages to weave a tale together full of intrigue and suspense, action galore, and a romance which will leave you breathless. You can also clearly see the author’s perspective of Brazil derived directly from his own experience living there with his wife and daughters on the water in that beautiful country.

In this book, we meet the main character, Jack Tate in Rio de Janeiro. He is working avidly to rebuild his relationships with previous contacts he had before he had left for Africa to work and trade in the “blood diamond” industry. These blood diamonds were fueling the Angolan Civil War, which is how Jack’s time in Africa ended in a Zairian prison. This left him completely broke and desperate to gain back what was lost to him. And so, he heads off into the Brazilian hinterlands looking for the legendary and rare, Borba Mine.

The problem with this grand plan of Jack’s is that the two previous men who went to this Borba Mine, including Joaquim Fontes, the geologist who re-discovered it in the first place, have gone missing. Even so, Jack’s determination leads him to find what he wants so he can rebuild his life, and in turn, his legacy. While on this treacherous path, he begins a romance with none other than Joaquim’s daughter, Marisa. This beautiful woman leads him to the fabled mine which is where their journey truly begins.

In this book, you will find yourself enthralled by the author’s storytelling ability and the way he creates characters which don’t just further the story along, but genuinely add to it with their detailed and unique character traits. The tale itself is exciting and action-packed, with a heart-pounding adventure being the center of this story. You will worry for Jack and his ultimate fate while rooting for his and Marisa’s budding romance. The suspenseful nature of different aspects of this story only adds to an already perfect formula this author has created. You won’t want to put this one down, so pick up your copy of Emerald Greed by Brian Ray Brewer today!

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