Title: Enerjettics: Your New Energy
Author: Jeremy Gorman
Publisher: Toplink Publishing, LLC
ISBN: 9781948962117
Pages: 92
Genre: Non-Fiction
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington

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The price of energy is increasing at an astounding rate. The sea level has increased significantly due to melting glaciers. We have lost more than three hundred water species so far and it is expected that we will lose more. The species that have survived are having trouble building their structures because oceans and seas are too acidic. The earth is warmer by 2˚F and will only get warmer.

All of these effects are due to use of bad energy. They are due to blatantly cruel handling of the planet in the effort to mine energy. Man needs energy but there are many more ways to get energy. From magnetic to solar to wind, there are more ways in which energy can be manufactured without hurting the planet and ensuring further extinction of species.

Enerjettics is a guide for people to effectively become ‘enerjetts.’ Sure it is going to be a difficult task getting the earth on some semblance of environmentally friendly operation. However, if it is a joint effort it will surely be easier. That is what author Jeremy Gorman promises. The global populace can manufacture clean and free energy while saving money in the process. Have you seen the obscene price of gas?

The author speaks about a subject which is close to his heart. His passion for the subject and the urgent need to save the earth before it is too late is evident in his tone and diction. His commitment to the endeavor is actually quite inspiring and contagious. It is easy to burry one’s head in the sand and not care but this book is an eye opener. It will effectively scare the reader into action. This book is a war cry.

There is no exaggeration. There is no wastage of time beating around the bush. The author of this book knows exactly what his message should be. He delivers the message in short and strong sentences. He is precise and to the point. He is neither condescending nor pushy. His prose boasts a proper flow and the information therein is accurate.

This book is meant for every single person who lives on this earth. Enerjett efforts will be futile if only handfuls are involved. The author does a good job such that this material appeals to people of all ages and demographics. The book talks about a membership fee and reward scheme fairly early in the book. It just sounds a bit frivolous and like this is building up into a pyramid scheme. The book has some great ideas and so does the site. It is with fervent hope that readers will get past this point and take in the quintessence of the book.

Enerjettics could not have come at a better time. The time to act is now. Even the smallest efforts will count. This book is informative, a call to action, and it is highly recommended and absolutely necessary.