Title: Evolution on Trial
Author: Anonymous
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1-5246-6433-6
Pages: 172
Genre: Nonfiction, Philosophy
Reviewed by: Barbara Bamberger Scott
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The anonymous author of Evolution on Trial makes a new foray into the old conflict surrounding the theory of evolution, seeking to disprove it based on principles of scientific deduction and a call for hard evidence. The author begins with his assertion that, “There is a significant difference between not contradicting a theory and scientifically proving a theory.” Neither God nor evolution can be scientifically proven.
In order to show that all species had the same first, one-celled ancestor, Darwin and others had to postulate a spontaneously occurring primordial swamp or soup in which the first life form appeared. Such a “soup” has no factual basis. They had to postulate the age of the earth as being billions of years in order to allow time for so many species to develop and others to become extinct, rather than a shorter earth life of thousands of years as suggested by Judeo-Christian religionists.
Scientists cite fossil evidence as proof of the one-organism origins of all species. But the author argues that just because fossils of horses show that they became bigger and stronger, this doesn’t “prove” scientifically that horses and all other species have the same origins. In fact, fossil records are sparse over all, yet evolutionists insist that 99% of all species that have ever existed have gone extinct — with no physical evidence to back this assertion. Another mystery is why, since all species are said to be in transition all the time, scientists give no examples of current life forms in such a transitional state.
The author presents his case in an organized way showing extensive thought and research. He tries to be fair to evolutionists and avows that he doesn’t have a religious bias. However, he frequently mentions the world’s religions and their core beliefs as a counter to evolutionary theories. For an example, the Mayan civilization of South America disappeared, apparently suddenly and completely. We know this happened though we don’t know why. If, the author says, we had written records from the Mayans describing the events; scientists would take this as undeniable proof. Yet there are written (Biblical) records that would seem to substantiate many historical events, such as the worldwide flood, but scientists do not give those writings any credence.
The author concludes that evolutionary thinking does not meet the burden of proof that is required of other sciences, and should be taught in schools only as a philosophical or religious subject “where it can be taught alongside creationism.” He is certain the evolutionary theory is a “mistake,” and, though he leaves this to the reader’s imagination, possibly a “deception.”