Title: Facing the Challenge, Beating the Odds
Author: Jimmy Mulzet
Publisher: Archway Publishing
ISBN: ‎ 978-1665708586
Pages: 103
Genre: Biography / Memoir
Reviewed by: Lee Brown

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Sometimes, it’s easy to lose hope in our lives. When obstacles fall in our way, with challenges that seem unsurmountable, we might be inclined to just give up. If we have faith in God, we might ask Him this one common question – Why is this happening to me?

Life isn’t always easy but as Jimmy Mulzet’s biographical book teaches us, it’s possible to face our challenges and beat the odds which are stacked against us. He was able to do what some may have thought impossible through his courage, independent spirit, and his faith in God. You see, Jimmy Mulzet is a man who was born with cerebral palsy. It was predicted that he would never walk but Jimmy refused to be waylaid by his difficult diagnosis. As we discover in his book, Facing the Challenge, Beating the Odds, he was able to stand on his own two feet – quite literally – and achieve things many would have assumed impossible.

After a brief account of his family history, Mulzet walks us through his life, beginning with the moment when, at six months old, his parents discovered his disability. As he grew older, he was given crutches and a wheelchair to aid with his movement, but as useful as these were, he was determined that he would one day walk. What’s remarkable about Mulzet is that he always remained faithful to the God that his parents introduced him to. He believed his Father in Heaven would one day heal him of his disability. In truth, he was never fully healed, despite his prayers and a trip to Lourdes. But so strong was his faith, that he never saw his cerebral palsy as a terrible curse. His faith grew as a consequence of his challenges, which is both inspirational and a testament to the belief he had in God.

As you read the book, you’ll be amazed at what Mulzet accomplished. Instead of sitting at home dwelling about his woes, he got a job at the mayor’s office and later became a Christian minister. He met the Pope who gave him a bear hug. And he did what some people might consider impossible for a person with cerebral palsy – he walked the New York Marathon in 2003. This latter feat wasn’t his only physical accomplishment. After continuing to push himself at the NY Marathon after his first victory, he also walked the 66 floors of the Rockefeller Centre for a fundraiser. This wasn’t the last of his achievements but to learn more about his life and the incredible ways in which he pushed himself, you need to pick up a copy of this memoir.

Mulzet has a fluid writing style which makes his book a smooth read from beginning to end. He writes with charm, humility, and compassion for those who helped him on his journey. After reaching the end of his story, you’ll likely be moved, inspired, and perhaps given the incentive to overlook the obstacles in your way and leap over them. If you have a belief in God, your faith might also be strengthened after discovering the powerful ways in which Mulzet’s life was impacted so strongly by the strength God gave him.

Facing the Challenge, Beating the Odds by Jimmy Mulzet is an inspiring memoir that offers a powerful message of resilience, faith and hope with God’s help. Mulzet provides readers a beacon of encouragement, demonstrating that no obstacle is too great to overcome. This book is a valuable read for anyone seeking motivation to persevere through life’s challenges and to believe in the possibility of achieving their dreams against all odds.  “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”  Matthew 7:7


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