Title: Faith and Drama: Plays and Readings from a Biblical Perspective
Author: Montana Lattin
Publisher: Toplink Publishing
ISBN: 978-1948779715
Pages: 210
Genre: Religious
Reviewed by: Tara Mcnabb

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There is something inherently mesmerizing in watching a live performance taking place before us. With each line spoken, in every gesture and sidelong glance, we are able to witness our hopes, dreams, and fears being manifested. Perhaps this is why Montana Lattin, the author of the splendid Faith and Drama, has chosen to present her book in the form of plays and readings.

Like stepping into a fleeting dream, we are given glimpses of a diverse range of characters who are all struggling in their own way to be closer to God. Some of the standouts include “Rest in Me,” a short play that tells of a young woman sitting amongst a heap of luggage, overwhelmed by her personal “baggage.” Jesus appears and begins flinging the heavy loads off the stage, and as he does so the young woman begins to feel lighter with each passing moment. Such a humorous and gentle demonstration shakes the woman out of her melancholy, awakening her to the truth that is God’s word; “All my children are free. They just have to get used to living that way!”

The age-old conflict between science and faith is hilariously depicted in “Born Again,” a play with four characters and a humble running time of just three minutes. Two scientists in pristine white lab coats are trying desperately to understand the meaning of being “born again.” As they are furiously jotting down notes onto their clipboards, they are flabbergasted when Mary and Nicodemus attempt to explain the true meaning of the phrase. Each explanation leads to more questions, and still more, until finally, there are no questions left to ask. This particular dynamic of the logical mind that is obsessed with dissecting every detail, clashing with the pure faith of a believer wouldn’t have been as effective in any other setting except this one. The metaphor of the calculating scientists pitted against the self-effacing disciples is a powerful narrative that speaks to us on many levels, forcing us to examine our own innermost assumptions and doubts.

But there are more of these universal concepts throughout, each presented in a way which aims to teach and inspire the audience. Some of mankind’s biggest and most challenging spiritual and moral dilemmas are depicted with a wit and candor that charms, making the subject matter less imposing and increasingly amusing. With the majority of the plays taking place in modern settings, each explores a particular theme that we must face on our path to know God. Doubt, insecurities, prejudice, forgiveness; all are explored through a compassionate lens that leaves the audience or reader with a sense of courage, clarity, and hope.

Lattin could not have chosen a better time to share her collection of plays and readings with the world. Our turbulent times are causing thousands to turn inward and seek guidance on matters of the soul.   Faith and Drama is filled with accessible, powerful and entertaining content to help anyone on their spiritual journey ahead.