Title: Fatherless Child: Overcoming Abandonment and Living a Fulfilled Life
Author: Sonia Wysingle
Publisher: The Legacy Project, LLC
ISBN: 978-1948777094
Pages: 110
Genre: Memoir / Self-help
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda

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Fatherhood is an essential aspect of a child’s life. However, it is not often the case for many as various factors steal away the joy of the presence of a father in one’s life such as parental separation or death. This often affects fatherless children as they may carry feelings of fear, poor self-worth, low-self esteem, anxiety, mistrust, and bitterness, among others, all through to their adulthood sometimes sending them into unhealthy relationships.

In Fatherless Child: Overcoming Abandonment and Living a Fulfilled Life, Sonia Wysingle uses her own experiences growing up without a dad, the feelings she experienced over the years, to how she moved forward and embraced who she is now. While the emptiness and pain that fathers leave can sometimes be so deep, some strategies can be put in place to alleviate the pain and live a fulfilled life. Here, the author not only pours her heart out to readers but also offers prescriptive techniques for healing from this trauma along with making progressive milestones into moving forward and living a more fulfilled life.

The text is divided into seven chapters, with each one astutely building upon the other. Personal anecdotes and helpful tips are broken down into sizeable bits for easier consumption through sub-topics and succinct prose. Unusually candid and unflinchingly honest, the text does not tally in its progress but rather immerses readers and holds them afloat from the first word. Sonia’s transformative path delivers indelible messages that are bound to help one become who they truly are ignoring the setbacks that may have been encountered during childhood. The book’s stirring cover and title along with a memorable introduction give one an idea of what to expect along the pages.

The masterstroke of this book is its conversational tone which is not only engaging but personable, as the writer addresses an over-arching theme. One person’s survival story is another’s life ring. Fatherless Child: Overcoming Abandonment and Living a Fulfilled Life by Sonia Wysingle offers this and so much more. It is unequivocally an accomplished tool for those who grew up in the absence of a father, and an encouraging guidebook to steer them toward much-needed healing. It is also an apt reminder they are not alone.


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