Title: Forever Yours: How It All Began: Book 1
Author: MeNitreis Holman
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1669816706
Pages: 292
Genre: Romance & Fantasy
Reviewed by: Christina Avina

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The complexities of life are never more relevant, or self-evident, than in the relationships we build with one another. The most complex of these relationships comes from our romantic entanglements, as we seek to find a physical and emotional connection that speaks to the person we feel brings out our best in ourselves. The need to find that special spark which fuels our hearts and emotions and inspires us to be our best we can be, can create a lengthy journey in our lives, and sometimes that love can become divided, with two people occupying the space that normally would be reserved for one special person.

In author MeNitreis Holman’s Forever Yours: How It All Began: Book One, the author explores the complexities of human relationships through Tahleea and Andre. The story follows Tahleea, a young woman going to college on a full athletic scholarship; who takes her mother’s advice to have some fun and make friends to really get the college experience after spending years focusing on her student athlete responsibilities. She soon joins the young man who guides her during a tour of the athletic facility by going to a college campus party with him. Andre, a star wide receiver for the same college is set to be drafted to the big leagues, and yet during routine football drills he meets Tahleea during the tour. He knows from that moment he has to be with her. However, neither one would ever realize the sheer volume of twists and turns which would await them during the years that would follow.

The author did a marvelous job of crafting a memorable and heated contemporary romance-meets-fantasy read. The descriptive, mature writing style the author employed here allowed for the reader to feel the strong emotions, both physically and mentally that Tahleea felt as the narrator of this story. The breathtaking imagery and atmosphere the author created leant itself to the tension and heart that fueled the relationship not only between Tahleea and Andre, but Tahleea and another character as well, who helps to fuel the tension as their lives are changed constantly by betrayals, lies, and the dark webs that they weave throughout their lives.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy contemporary romance novels, especially those that enjoy more mature and adult-themed writing and a hint of fantasy-based romance. The gripping character development really brought these themes to life perfectly, capturing the individual character growth each person underwent while also showing off the ways in which they wove themselves into each other’s lives.

Shocking, captivating, and entertaining, author MeNitreis Holman’s Forever Yours: How It All Began: Book One is a must-read contemporary romance and fantasy novel. The heartfelt imagery and emotional character dynamics will keep the readers invested in the narrative as the character’s lives, which were explored thoroughly, and the cliffhanger ending leaves readers eager to read more of this incredible author’s work.

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