Title: From Stressed to Blessed
Subtitle: 5 Simple Steps to Learn Meditation and Change your Life
Author: Cynthia Chase, MA, CHTHA
Publisher: R. R. Bowker
ISBN: 9780578772547
Pages: 76
Genre: Self-Help
Reviewed by: Beth Adams

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Author Cynthia Chase has created a short book on how to get the most value from meditation, advising on 5 simple instructions of which people may or may not be aware of. Nearly everyone knows of the benefits of finding a quiet place to indulge into their own thoughts without distraction, resulting in a form of meditation unique to each individual.  Many do so without paying homage to classical or structured methodology of meditation, yet each and everyone seems to emerge from their time of relaxation with a variety of benefits.  To get the most out of one’s time and efforts, From Stressed to Blessed, lists 5 aspects of creating this relaxing routine, including choosing the right place and time, to different body postures and even mantras to use, which will maximize the effects of using meditation to enhance one’s health and mental acuity.

Although many of the suggestions are common sense, Cyntia Chase points out details which many may not consider: such as partitioning themselves from distractions; turning off your phone; and even keeping pets and children away for the time they meditate. In fact, having these simple suggestions all in a quick book to read is a good way to refresh oneself periodically as readers begin to form a routine and habit of meditating.

Interlaced with inspiring quotes from famous thought-leaders in the self-help community, the book pages with a softness and beauty to celebrate the human consciousness and push the boundaries of thoughts, thus clearing one’s mind of all the chatter a mind continuously bombards us with.  I like the idea of when a thought comes in as you try to clear all thoughts, you acknowledge the thought, but put it aside until you finish your time meditating, like writing it on sand at a beach knowing the next wave will gently erase it and bring you back to smooth sand and a clear mind.

To list categorically the 5 steps and indulge on each in this review would be doing a disservice to the book, as it is best to learn the steps by having this book for yourselves, and thus keeping the book for subsequent refreshed readings and to share with others.  Between the artful covers of serene beauty, and laid out with uncluttered space to read, learn, and take notes, From Stressed to Blessed, is a creative work of beautiful words, thoughts, and inspirations.  If you haven’t learned the basics of meditation for yourself, this is an ideal way to begin, and for those experienced in meditation, this book will enhance your experiences.

From Stressed to Blessed by Cynthia Chase is an insightful guide that serves as an excellent introduction to meditation.

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