Title: God Doesn’t Do Evil That Good May Come: Book One
Author: Delores J. Porter
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1669839644
Pages: 176
Genre: Religion & Spirituality / Worship & Devotion
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers
Pacific Book Review
Whenever someone is presented with an insurmountable loss, whether it be the loss of innocence, the loss of a beloved pet, or the loss of a parent or child, one of the first things people ask themselves is why. Why did this happen to them? Why would the Universe be so cruel? If that person is Christian, the first question that may pop into their minds is, why would God cruelly take this special person from their lives? Why didn’t he find a way to save or help that person in their hour of need?
In author Delores J. Porter’s God Doesn’t Do Evil That Good May Come: Book One, the author dives into the question head on. Working to bring hope and inspiration back to those who are experiencing such a loss, the author challenges modern theology’s understanding of “God’s Will” and attempts to showcase how God is not actively working to bring about these tragic moments in our lives. Through this understanding, the author hopes to bring a healing hand to a person’s body, soul, and spirit.
The author did a fantastic job of utilizing religious texts and studies to emphasize the message he wanted to bring forward. The complexity of both the emotional turmoil a person is undergoing throughout the process of loss and the realities of how the Universe itself works, both through the law of death and how God factors into it. The book does a fantastic job of separating and examining the differences which existed between the Old Testament of the Christian Bible and the New Testament. The question of Jesus’s impact on the faith and how people interpret the messages within were so profoundly felt, and this question led into the main theme of the pain of loss and our need to find blame in those pain-filled moments so naturally.
This is the perfect read for those who enjoy non-fiction books, especially those who enjoy faith or religion-based reads that explores deep-seated questions of loss and grief in the context of that faith, in particular Christianity. I do understand the hardship and struggle to find blame in the face of adversity, and the author’s unique perspective was both very pointed for religious readers and enlightening to other readers alike.
Thought-provoking, faithful, and engaging, author Delores J. Porter’s God Doesn’t Do Evil That Good May Come: Book One is a must-read nonfiction Christian book. The close examination of the religious texts and the informative delivery of that text really emphasized the author’s message, and the balance of personable and informative writing styles really brought a nice cohesion to the book overall, making this one book religious readers will not want to put down.