Title: God’s Foot Is on the World: Christ The King Millennium Era Begins
Author: Rev. Fr. Ignatius Mary Okoroji SDV
Publisher: Primedia eLaunch LLC
ISBN: ‎ 979-8887963624
Pages: 390
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Reviewed by: Lee Brown

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If you’re a Christian reading this review, you’ll know that it’s rarely easy to walk a straight path with God. In our way are all kinds of temptations and other spiritual challenges which can make us falter in our walk. This is something Fr. Ignatius understands. In his book, God’s Foot Is on the World: Christ The King Millennium Era Begins, he reminds us of the evil which exists in the world because of the devil’s presence. Followers of God face a daily battle as a consequence of this evil – the closer they get to God, the more they open themselves up to spiritual attack. But while the author makes reference to Satan’s power over individuals and the world at large, you shouldn’t expect a lot of despair in his writing. As you’ll discover while reading, there is hope, despite the darkness that exists around us.

Fr. Ignatius’s book is centered around the ‘Millennium Era” – the 1000-year reign of Christ – which he suggests is coming soon. Scripture tells us that during this period, Satan will be bound and powerless, while God fulfills the promises He has made to the world.  The author points us to those Bible verses which speak of this time while reminding us that, in the meantime, Satan will do all he can to destroy as many lives as possible before he is silenced. This reminder is certainly an ominous one, albeit unsurprising as we only need to turn on our televisions and pay attention to what’s happening in our communities to see the damage the devil is causing.

But while we have reason to be fearful, Fr. Ignatius reminds us that God is present so we need only to turn to Him to arm ourselves against the wiles of the evil one. He provides guidance on how to do this, with several pages devoted to the prayers we can recite to ask God to empower and cleanse us. He encourages us to use these prayers as we seek a healthy relationship with God. By embracing Christ, he tells us, the more peaceful we will be, even when faced with evidence of the devil’s foothold.

To encourage us to remain positive, Fr. Ignatius provides testimony on the miracles he experienced as a pastor in Africa. He speaks of a revival which took place between 2006 and 2007 when his local Diocese experienced a “Divine Stirring.” He tells us that during this time, young people were converted to the Christian faith, there was a renunciation of cult members, and there were many spiritual fruits among younger members of the Clergy. This ‘spiritual resonance’ is evidence of ‘God’s foot on the world,’ a reminder from Fr. Ignatius that the time is coming when all communities will experience such a blessing when Christ begins His 1000-year reign.

So, if you’re worn down by spiritual battles and worried for the future, be encouraged that the time is coming when (to quote Fr. Ignatius) “the lures of the world and the flesh will diminish.” The author gives us insight into the way the world has been impacted by the devil but he gives us hope that a spiritual revival is incoming. In his writing, he prepares us for this time, so we can be ready for whatever the devil throws at us. Don’t despair then! As you might already know, life as a Christian isn’t easy. But if you read this accomplished book, you’ll be better able to face head-on the spiritual challenges which await you on your walk with God. You’ll also be encouraged to have hope for a better future, not only for yourself but for the future generations of your family too.



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