Title: Harvest of Riches: A Guide For Young Entrepreneurs and Families
Author: Joe R. Fowler, PhD and Pamela Fannin Wilkinson
Publisher: Xlibris
ISBN: 978-1796020274
Pages: 118
Genre: Entrepreneurship Books
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

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In a world with an ever changing economy and where jobs are far more scarce than they once were, many people in the next generation are working towards becoming entrepreneurs, working to build their own businesses and be their own boss. Anita Roddick once said, “Nobody talks of entrepreneurship as survival, but that’s exactly what it is and what nurtures creative thinking.” In authors Joe R. Fowler, PhD and Pamela Fannin Wilkinson’s book Harvest of Riches: A Guide For Young Entrepreneurs and Families, years of experience in the world of building businesses gives readers a look at how to go about building their own careers.

In this story, an experienced engineer and retailer goes into great details about the road that brought him to running a business, starting a family and the lessons he learned along the way, all the while showcasing how his experiences can show interested entrepreneurs how to improve and build upon the blueprints of business he learned himself. From his family life as a child and the journey to going to Texas A&M, to the differences between engineering in the 60’s and today to building a business while maintaining a family, this book gives the reader a lot of information in a short about of time. Written in a way that feels both professional and personal all at once, the book is detailed, well organized and thought provoking for the world of business and family.

This is a book written for anyone with an interest in becoming an entrepreneur who also has or is interested in having a family of their own. What really drew me in as a reader was the different styles of business that were featured in this book, from Joe’s engineering experience and the business he later built, to Linda Fowler’s later journey to build a Hallmark Card and gift shop and the integration of family into the business and marketing that was shown throughout the chapters. It really made the businesses they built feel like a family event, and something that could be equally successful and be something a person is passionate about, which is something many readers are going to be able to relate to.

Overall this was a quick, easy to read and educational book that will easily help readers and entrepreneurs alike gain a better understanding of building a business while maintaining a family of their own. Readers will feel the experience of the authors pour through every chapter, giving a more authentic and real sense to the stories and work showcased in each chapter. This is a must have book for any budding entrepreneurs out there, so be sure to grab your copy of Harvest of Riches by Joe R. Fowler, PhD and Pamela Fannin Wilkinson today!

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