Title: In the Shadow of the Acropolis
Author: Simonne Celestine
Publisher: XlibrisAU
ISBN: 9781514444030
Pages: 222
Genre: Biography/Autobiography – Personal Memoirs

Reviewed by: Ella Vincent

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In the Shadow of the Acropolis is a riveting true story of Julia Roberts, an Australian woman who is falsely imprisoned in a Greek prison. Roberts’ story is told to Celestine and readers will be enthralled by her struggle for freedom.

Roberts is traveling through Greece, but is detained by police on the suspicious of smuggling drugs into Athens. She is then sent to the notorious Korydallos Prison, which is near the historic Acropolis. Roberts is mistreated for many years and suffers many hardships in prison. While her health suffers, she bonds with her fellow female prisoners and never gives up hope that she will be exonerated and will return home to Australia.

In the Shadow of the Acropolis is a harrowing, but also inspirational story. Celestine brings Roberts’ story to life with her skillful writing and vivid descriptions of Roberts’ life in prison. From the horrific living conditions to the simple joys of eating chocolate croissants in Korydallos, Celestine captures Roberts’ story with meticulous detail. Roberts’ growth from frightened inmate to brave activist is a subtle evolution. She is shown as being sympathetic to the plight of other female prisoners and bonds with them as they deal with life in jail.

In this book In the Shadow of the Acropolis, the Greek prison system is put on trial. The description of the corruption of Korydallos prison is laid bare with Roberts’ account of how the prison complex abused male and female prisoners. Roberts’ recounting her story to Celestine notes how the international criminal justice system can be detrimental to people who aren’t aware of their civil rights. Roberts learning about her rights and fighting for her freedom is moving throughout the book.

In the Shadow of the Acropolis would be best for readers who want to read about the true stories of life in prison. Fans of nonfiction memoirs like Orange is the New Black by Piper Kerman or A World Apart: Women, Prison, and Life Behind Bars by Cristina Rathbone. Readers who want to read about strong female protagonists will also be inspired by this book. This book would also be useful for prisoners or any person who is in the criminal justice system to keep them inspired while they are incarcerated.

In the Shadow of the Acropolis is an unforgettable story that readers will love. Simonne Celestine and Julia Roberts have united to tell a story in a memoir that both entertains and enlightens readers alike.