Title: Inferno Scorcher
Author: J.C. D.C.
Publisher: AuthorHouseUK
ISBN: 1524676357
Pages: 108
Genre: Fantasy
Reviewed by: Liz Konkel

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Inferno Scorcher lives on a planet that is split between two kingdoms: one made of fire and one made of ice. One kingdom is ruled by Inferno’s father King Volcanus while the other kingdom is ruled by King Freeze who, along with his Freezeiod army, harbors a sinister plan to destroy the Fireiod kingdom. As the war continues to wage on, the least thing that Inferno expected was to be at the center of the evil king’s plan. Suddenly, he wakes up in the strangest of all places: Earth. Now, he has the normal body of an Earth teenager and his entire world of fire is exchanged for ours. He’s forced to live the life of a normal human with foster parents and high school in a world he doesn’t quite understand.

The world that J.C. D.C. has created is a stunning planet that is divided between two worlds of fire and ice. The two opposites create a balance for the world with the middle literally forming a belt that molds the two together to form a substance made both of fire and ice. Inferno’s entire life has been marked by the war between the two, with the ice king a constant threat against their fire kingdom. The story brings to life a literal take on the difference between fire and ice by creating two kingdoms at war. This war is brought into the forefront of Inferno’s life by drawing him directly into the middle when he becomes a target. He goes from being a young prince to having the weight of the war resting on his shoulders and the fate of the fire kingdom in his hands.

The two sides contain vivid descriptions that bring this planet of two sides to life with a side made of fire, lava, and volcanos while the other half consists of ice, liquid nitrogen, and giant ice stalagmites. The names all follow the theme of fire and ice with the names such as Freeze, Icicus, Inferno, Volcanus, Moltainia, and Ignotor. Everything within the kingdoms is drawn from the two elements which include Inferno’s ability to make things from the fire which includes a vehicle and a dragon while lava and fire are literal parts of his surroundings. From their bodies made of fire to fire even in the cooking spices, everything around him is of fire which includes splashing his face with boiling lava, a molten lava sink, fire robe, and a molten jetpack. The story is threaded with humor from pigs capable of living in the fire kingdom to Inferno’s growing pains when he’s sent to Earth.

The magical elements stem from the two worlds of fire and ice which act as the central power of all the characters each of which has the ability to harness power from the element they’re from in order to open portals, to create bursts of flame, and even to create an object from their minds. The world has other touches of magic which includes the use of crystals that create protective energy barriers around whoever wears them. The story is rooted in Inferno’s journey when he’s sent to Earth to live as a normal teenager and must face life once everything fire is stripped away from him. He struggles with a mundane existence while he tries to stay a step ahead of the ice prince so to save his kingdom and return home.

Inferno Scorcher is a fast-paced adventure that will have children of all ages opening their imaginations and delighting in a journey that is action-packed and humorous.

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