Title: Inspirations – My Vivid Imagination Has Been Transformed Into Reality
Author: Peterson Francois
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 978-1-4759-5293-3
Pages: 201
Genre: Memoir/Self-Help
Reviewed by: Carol Davala

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Inspirations: My Vivid Imagination Has Been Transformed Into Reality
is a collection of thought, information, and quotes from business and marketing professional Peterson Francois. As a native Haitian, the author offers his personal experiences of relocating to the United States and hopes to inspire others searching for a path towards fulfillment.

Divided into topical chapters like “Keeping Your Mind on Your Goals” and “Be True to Yourself”, Francois covers various themes from politics and education, to unification, living a life of transparency, renouncing destructive behavior, and realizing the power of imagination as a component in a successful future. While the messages of this book are of a personal nature rather than a gathering of quotes from well-known persons or public figures, it speaks to Francois’ own sense of self-preservation and desire to impart the value of the lessons he learned while moving toward his goals. These practical and relatable words often seem geared to those searching for a way out from a tumultuous environment.

Clearly Francois found knowledge as a key to success, and the importance of a good education is keenly stressed. Born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and immigrating to the US at seventeen, he has earned both undergraduate and Masters degrees and has gone on to pursue a Ph.D. in business management from Capella University. Along the way he experienced homelessness, and also notes time spent in a Broward County jail. Pointing to jealousy as an emotion that often controlled his life, he came to realize how it can destroy a marriage. Such consequences forced him to leave his own cheating ways in the past and turn over a new leaf in life.

Francois’ conversational writing is often reflective of the author’s own personal relationship with God. Phrases such as “Follow God for Happiness”, or “Losing the grace of the Lord is the ultimate mistake a human being can make in this world”, speak to the reverence he has for a higher power, and addresses throughout this work. In his view of religion as an uneducated choice over spirituality, Francois points a finger at the hypocrisy of many church leaders. This is not intended as a standard business strategy handbook, but seems more a kind of life guide, as Francois even includes advice on male/female relationships.

Here the focus is on knowing your partner before becoming involved, remaining faithful, and accepting your spouse’s differences. With philanthropic ideals about helping the people of his native land, Francois does not hesitate to expose Haiti as a country with many problems. The narrative emphasizes donations from assisting countries that have been squandered by Haitian leaders and politicians, leaving the population to suffer. He sees corruption and an unwillingness to change as preventing the country from moving forward.

Amidst the straight forward directives, a bit of subtle, though perhaps unintended humor comes through in the writing. In one instance, Francois mentions an interest in becoming a doctor or pilot, but an underlying fear of blood and heights forced a change in those plans. There are a few repeated paragraphs throughout the work, which suggest a need for some proofreading, however, in one such moment where an admiring Francois likens his wife to a beautiful flower, the emotion repeated consecutively is perhaps an intentional testament to his feelings.

While Francois’ self-help memoir offers primarily expected advice about applying education, persistence, and patience in an effort to reach goals and pursue dreams, his words undoubtedly stem from a very personal perspective. Showcasing the empowerment of moving beyond the confines of his homeland, Inspirations – My Vivid Imagination Has Been Transformed Into Reality proves a well-intentioned, openly shared gift of experience. The book is not only for fellow Haitians, but for anyone seeking life improvement.

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